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The CN4000 sensor motes are the core measurement device for installing a multipoint structural monitoring system. The small sensor and communicator units, easily mount to structures and measure seismic response via an internal 3-axis accelerometer.
Many CN4000 sensor motes can be networked together. External sensors, such as strain gauges or load cells, can be connected to the CN4000 unit as well,allowing for multi-variable analysis to take place cost-effectively. As with the MICA Motes family


The MICA Mote is a second generation mote module used for research and development of low power, wireless, sensor networks. The MICA mote was developed by UC Berkeley’s research group on wireless sensors. It consists of:
· Plug-in sensor boards
· TinyOS (TOS) Distributed Software Operating System.
· Atmega 128L processor
· 916MHz or 433MHz transceiver
· Attached AA(2) battery pack
TinyOS is a small, open-source,energy efficient, software operating system developed by
