测量范围: SO-XX-001型:百万分之十至百万分之一千
SO-XX-050型:0. 05%~5.0%
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SENSORE has many years of experience in sensor design and manufacturing for a wide range of applications in gas, humidity and temperature sensing.
Oxygen sensor
Operation of amperometric oxygen sensors is based on an electrochemical zirconium dioxide pump cell. If voltage is applied to the cell, oxygen ions are pumped from the cathode to the anode. Covering of the cathode with a gas diffusion barrier creates saturation voltage, which measures oxygen concentration in the environment. Since the property of oxygen ion conductivity does not occur below approx. 400°C, the sensor has to be heated accordingly. Due its operating mode, the sensor does not require reference gas.
Sensor electronic
The microprocessor unit features heating control to provide constant sensor temperature in changing environmental conditions and characteristic curve linearization to convert the senor current for all types to a linear output voltage. The oxygen sensor can be mounted via a cable joint offset from the blank in a metering box. The evaluating processor unit is a control and evaluation system in terms of an electronic board, which can be used to operate all SENSORE oxygen sensor types. Compact Sensor Board (CSB)
The CSB in combination with a mounted sensor can be provided as a complete calibrated unit. TO8 oxygen sensors can be directly soldered on the CSB, but there is also the possibility to connect other sensor types via a 6-pole sensor interface. The control parameters of the electronic are permanently configured to fit a specific sensor type. If a more flexible system for sensor evaluation purposes is need, the more complex control unit EDAB M1 would be the better choice. Software
The software can be used for all sensor electronic units provided by SENSORE. Purchased parts list consists of program-CD and the RS232 interface cable which is necessary for data transfer. Downloads Sensoren
Software (EDAB)
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