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红外测温仪/红外热像仪光敏电阻/光敏元器件 常用光电传感器/模块资料下载

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光电探测产品选型目录  热红外探测产品选型目录 常用型号列表 参数资料下载 硅雪崩光电二极管 雪崩光电二极管模块 四象限探测器 25单元线阵APD 铟镓砷雪崩光电二极管 单光子计数器 硅光电倍增管(SiPM) 光电二极管阵列  红外测温阵列 热电堆测温阵列 红外气体热释电探测器 红外火焰热释电探测器 其它
低成本/大批量 雪崩光电二极管
产品名称:低成本/大批量 雪崩光电二极管

浏览次数: 24
  C30737 系列适用低成本,大批量的激光测距应用 ,C30737 硅雪崩光电二极管在500 纳米和1000 纳米之间具有高响应率,而且所有波长都有非常迅速的上升时间,频率响应高于1 GHz。

   C30724 作为低增益雪崩光电二极管可以在固定电压下运行不需要温度补偿。
  标准版本有两种光敏面:直径0.23 和0.5 毫米。它们有传统的密封TO 封装(“E”)、经
济合算的塑料透孔T-1¾ (TO - like,“P”)封装和适用于表面贴技术的无导线陶瓷载体

• 用于600 纳米到950 纳米范围的激光测距
• 光通信
• 分析仪器
• 900 纳米或者800 纳米最佳工作光谱可选
• 500 和230μm 两种标准光敏面
• 各种封装类型:密封TO、塑料TO、SMD
• 低偏压时高增益
• 低击穿电压


型号 封装 光敏面直径(μm) 峰值波长(nm) 上升/下降 (ns)
C30737EH-230-80 TO 230 800 0.22
C30737PH-230-80 T-1¾ 230 800 0.22
C30737LH-230-80 LCC 230 800 0.22
C30737LH-230-81 LCC 230 635 0.22
C30737EH-500-80 TO 500 800 0.3
C30737PH-500-80 T-1¾ 500 800 0.3
C30737LH-500-80 LCC 500 800 0.3
C30737LH-500-81 LCC 500 800 0.3
C30737EH-230-90 TO 230 900 0.5
C30737PH-230-90 T-1¾ 230 900 0.5
C30737PH-230-90 LCC 230 900 0.5
C30737PH-230-92 LCC 230 905 0.5
C30737EH-500-90 TO 500 900 0.6
C30737PH-500-90 T-1¾ 500 900 0.6
C30737LH-500-90 LCC 500 900 0.6
C30737LH-500-92 LCC 500 905 0.6
C30724EH TO 500 920 5
C30724PH T-1¾ 500 920 5


浏览次数: 35
  C30954EH C30955EH、C30956EH 通用型硅雪崩光敏二极管,利用双扩散的“reach-though”
结构制造。这些光电二极管的的独特设计是其在长波(>900 纳米)有加强响应。
   这些雪崩光电二极管在1060 纳米的量子效率高达40 %,同时,该二极管保持了低噪声、
    为有助于简化许多设计的需要,这些雪崩光电二极管也用生产高性能带前置放大器模块的C30659 系列,而且用于前置放大器加温度致冷器合并模块LLAM 系列。

• 测距
• 激光雷达
• YAG 激光探测
• 1060 纳米波长高量子效率
• 快速响应时间
• 宽的工作温度范围
• 低电容
• 密封包装
• RoHS 适应


型号 光敏面直径 (mm) 1060nm响应率 暗电流
C30954EH 0.8 36 A/W 50  nA
C30955EH 1.5 34 A/W 100  nA
C30956EH 3 25 A/W 100  nA


浏览次数: 38
    C30739ECERH 型号硅雪崩光电二极管是为从400 纳米到高于700 纳米范围弱光检应用
   标准的陶瓷基体封装易于贴装LSO 和BGO 闪烁晶体耦。结合优良的短波长响应率,使

• 核医学
• 荧光检测
• 高能物理
• 医学成像
• 辐射探测
• 粒子物理学
• 测试设备
• 环境监测
• 高量子效率
• 弱暗电流
• 容易与闪烁器晶体连接在一起
• 抗电磁场干扰性
• 短波响应度增强
• 可以定制封装
• 高精度时间分辨
• 符合RoHS 标准


浏览次数: 30
    C30902 家族"系列即可用于线性模式(VR < VBR) 也可工作在Geiger 模式(VR > VBR)下

    独特的“reach-through”结构设计硅雪崩光电二极管可提供400 nm 到1100 nm 高速低噪声

• 激光测距仪
• 视频扫描成像仪
• 共焦显微镜
• 自由空间通信
• 光谱仪
• 荧光检测
• 光度计
• DNA 序列测定仪
• 粒子分析
• 低噪声
• 高增益
• 高量子效率
• 嵌入式温度致冷器选择


型号 光敏面直径  输出信号类型 峰值波长 峰值波长处响应率 备注
C30902EH 0.5mm 电流 830nm 77A/W(M=150) 标准reach-through 结构硅APD
C30902BH 0.5mm 电流 830nm 77A/W(M=150) 带球形透镜的30902EH,便于接受光纤 导入的光 
C30921EH 0.5mm 电流 830nm 77A/W(M=150) 内置光导管的C20902E,推荐应用波长830nm, 900nm和650nm
C30902BFC 0.5mm 电流 830nm 77A/W(M=150) 透镜透镜上面加了FC接头的C30902BH
C30902SH 0.5mm 电流 830nm 128A/W(M=250) 工作在盖革模式下的APD
C30921SH 0.5mm 电流 830nm 128A/W(M=250) 内置光导管的C20902S
C30902SH-TC 0.5mm 电流 830nm 128A/W(M=250) 带一级热电致冷的C30902SH, 暗电流 2nA

• 各种光输入选择 


每个模块包括一个光电探测器(快速光电二极管或雪崩光电二极管)和一个互阻抗放大器。同一封装中兼备放大器和光探测器,使其环境噪声更低,寄生电容更小。C30659 系列模块包括一个连接到低噪声互阻抗放大器的APD。有4种型号使用硅晶体 雪崩光电二极管和2 种型号铟镓砷雪崩光电二极管可选择。50 兆赫和200 兆赫的标准频带宽度可以适应大范围应用。另有两种C30659 型号的雪崩光电二极管配置热电制冷 (LLAM 系列),帮助改善噪音或保持雪崩光电二极管在任何环境温度下恒温工作。C30659 型号可以根据特殊应用需要,选择一种定制频带宽度或适合特殊环境要求的定制产品。另有一种带尾纤封装14 插脚双列直插式插件,可以达到几乎100 %耦合效率。C30950EH是可以替代C30659 的低成本型产品。放大器用来抵消电压增益放大器的输入电容。C30919E 与C30950EH 使用相同设计结构,多了一个高压温度补偿电路以保持 模块在宽温度范围内的响应性常数。另两种HUV 模块可用于低频高增益应用,它涵盖了从紫外线到接近红外线的广谱范围。
  应用 [1]

  · 激光测距仪· 共焦显微镜检查· 视频扫描成像仪· 高速分析仪器· 自由空间通信 · 紫外线传感· 分布式温度传感器
  特点和优点 :· 超低噪声· 高速· 高互阻抗增益 另外C30950EH目前的市场价格在2800左右,这个渠道比较单一,需要咨询可联系

[2]常用型号:C30659-900-R5BH,C30659-900-R8AH, C30659-1060-R8BH,C30659-1060-3AH ,C30659-1550-R08BH,C30659-1550-R2AH, C30919E, C30950EH,LLAM-1550-R2A, LLAM-1060-R8BH ,HUV-1100BGH,HUV-2000BH。SPcM-AQRH-10, SPcM-AQRH-11, SPcM-AQRH-12, PcM-AQRH-13, SPcM-AQRH-14, SPcM-AQRH-15,SPcM-AQRH-16, c30902SH, c911, c1311, c1911, c922 c1322 c1922 c943 c1343 c1943 c984, c1384, c1984, c993, c1393, c1993, c963, c1363, c1963, c973, c1373, c1973, SB0440CLG-011, sB0440CLQ-011, SB1440CLG-011, SB1440CLQ-011 , SB2480CLG-011, SB2480CLQ-011, SB4480CL, RL0512P, RL1024P, RL2048P, HL2048P, HL4096P, RL1201, RL1202, RL1205 RL1210, RL1501, RL1502, RL1505, c30659-900-R5BH, c30659-900-R8AH, c30659-1060-R8BH, c30659-1060-3AH ,
  c30659-1550-R08BH, c30659-1550-R2AH, c30919e, c30950eH, LLAM-1550-R2AH, LLAM-1060-R8BH, HUV-1100BGH, HUV-2000BH, VtA2164H-D-nc-00-0, VtA1616H-H-Sc-01-0 VtA1616H-L-Sc-02-0 VtA2516H-H-Sc-01-0 VtA2516H-L-Sc-02-0 VtA1216H-H-nc-00-0 VtA1216H-L-nc-00-0 VtA0832H-H-nc-00-0 c30817eH
  c30872eH c30884e c30902BH c30902BFcH c30902BStH c30902eH c30902SH c30916eH c30921eH c30921SH
  c30954eH c30955eH c30956eH c30902SH-tc c30902SH-Dtc c30954e-tc c30954e-Dtc c30955e-tc c30955e-Dtc c30956e-tc c30662eH c30662eceRH c30645eH c30645eceRH
  c30644eH c30644eceRH c30927eH-01 c30927eH-02 c30927eH-03 c30985e c30954eH c30955eH c30956eH c30626FH c30703FH c30739eceRH c30737eH-230-80 c30737PH-230-80 c30737LH-230-80 c30737LH-230-81 c30737eH-500-80 c30737PH-500-80 c30737LH-500-80 c30737LH-500-81 c30737eH-230-90 c30737PH-230-90 c30737PH-230-90 c30737PH-230-92 c30737eH-500-90 c30737PH-500-90 c30737LH-500-90 c30737LH-500-92 c30724eH c30724PH c30616eceRH c30617BH c30617BFcH c30617BScH c30617BStH c30617eceRH c30618BFcH c30618GH c30618eceRH c30637eceRH c30641eH-tc c30641eH-Dtc c30641GH c30642GH c30665GH c30723GH c30619GH c30741PH-15 c30741PFH-1
  c30807eH c30808eH c30822eH c30809eH c30810eH c30971eH FFD-100H FFD-200H FnD-100QH UV-040BQH UV-100BQH UV-215BGH/ UV-215BQH UV-245BGH UV-245BQH YAG 100AH YAG-200H YAG-444AH SR10BP SR10BP-B SR10De SR10De-B PFD10 cR50De
  c30845eH YAG-444-4AH Dtc-140H VtP7840H VtP413H VtP100H VtP1188SH VtP1220FBH VtP9812FH Vtt9812FH SR10SPD470-0.9 SR10SPD525-0.9 VtP100H VtP100cH VtP1012H VtP1112H VtP1188SH VtP1220FBH VtP1232H VtP1232FH VtP1332H VtP1332FH VtP3310LAH VtP3410LAH VtP413H VtP4085H VtP4085SH VtP5050H VtP6060H
  VtP7110H VtP7210H VtP7840H VtP8350H VtP8440H VtP8551H VtP8651H VtP8740_tRH
  VtP8840_tRH VtP9412H VtP9812FH SR10SPD880-0.9 VtD31AAH VtD34H VtD34FH VtD34SMH VtD34FSMH VtD205H VtD205KH VtD206H VtD206KH VtH2090H
  VtB100AH VtB1012H VtB1012BH VtB1013H VtB1013BH VtB1112H VtB1112BH VtB1113H
  VtB1113BH VtB4051H VtB5051H VtB5051BH VtB5051JH VtB5051UVH VtB5051UVJH VtB6061H VtB6061BH VtB6060cieH VtB6061JH VtB6061UVH Vtt1223WH Vtt1225H Vtt1226H Vtt1227H Vtt3122eH Vtt3123eH Vtt3323LAH Vtt3324LAH Vtt3325LAH Vtt3423LAH Vtt3424LAH等PERK(EXCELITAS)亚太区代理全系列特价供货!

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Infrared Emitting Diodes - VTE3372LA, VTE74LA GaAlAs
Infrared Emitting Diodes - VTE7172H, 7173H GaAlAs
Infrared Emitting Diodes - VTE7172H, 7173H GaAlAs
Infrared Switches - VTR24F1H Long Range Retro-Reflective Sensor
Laser Diodes - C86155E-10 Quasi-Continuous-Wave 980 nm
Laser Diodes - PGA 905nm Pulse Laser for Industrial Range Finding Applications
Laser Diodes - PGA and PGEW Series High Power Pulsed Laser Diodes for Range Finding
Laser Diodes - PGA Series 905nm InGaAs Pulsed Laser Diodes
Laser Diodes - PGA Series High Power Laser Diodes for Industrial Range Finding
Laser Diodes - PGEW Series 905nm Plastic Pulsed Laser Diodes
LED Fiber-Optic Illuminator - XL3000 System
Medical LED Fiber Optic Light Module - XLM Series, OTFI-0250
Medical LED Fiber Optic Light Module with Electronics - XLM Plus, OTFI-0275
Nano Data Recorder - Informant™
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - LT Series Analog Optoisolators
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C1, 5C2 Low Cost Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C2.2, 5C3/2 Dual Element Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C3, 5C4 Low Cost Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C4/2 Dual Element Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C6, 5C7 Low Cost Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C8 Low Cost Axial Vactrols
Optoisolators/Optocouplers - VTL5C9, 5C10 Low Cost Axial Vactrols
Optoswitch, Reflective - VTR16D1H
Optoswitch, Reflective - VTR17D1H
Optoswitch, Transmissive - VTL11D1H - D7H
Optoswitch, Transmissive - VTL13D1H - D7H
Optoswitch, Transmissive - VTL23DxAH Series
Photocells - A 9050, A 9060 Wepoxy encapsulated series
Photocells - A1050, A1060 TO-46 type metal housing
Photocells - A9950, A7060, B9060 Epoxy Encapsulated Series
Photocells - B 1060, V 1060 Metal Housing TO types
Photocells - D 1160, D 1172, W 5560 Glass encapsulated housing
Photocells - M9960 Small photocell epoxy encapsulated housing
Photocells - U 1160, Glass Encapsulated Housing
Photoconductive Cells - VT200 Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT300 Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT300CT Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT400 Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT500 Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT800 Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT800CT Series
Photoconductive Cells - VT900 Series
Photodiode Arrays - VTA1216H Series for X-ray security scanning applications
Photodiodes - C30616, C30617, C30618, C30637 Series High-speed InGaAs PIN
Photodiodes - C30741 InGaAs and Si PIN Diodes - Quadrant Detectors UV enhanced for Industrial Applications
Photodiodes - C30741 Series High Speed Silicon PIN
Photodiodes - C30741 Series InGaAs and Si PIN Diodes for Industrial Applications
Photodiodes - InGaAs Si PIN Diodes Quadrant Detectors, UV-enhanced
Photodiodes - L-Series CMOS Linear Photodiode Arrays for Spectroscopy
Photodiodes - VTA series for X-ray security scanning applications
Photodiodes - VTA series for X-ray security scanning applications
Photodiodes - VTA series for X-ray security scanning applications
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD205H
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD205KH
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD206H
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD206KH
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD31AAH
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD34FH
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD34H
Photodiodes, Alternate Source - VTD34SMH
Photodiodes, IR Blocking Silicon - VTP1220FBH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB100AH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB1012BH, 1013BH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB1012H, 1013H
Photodiodes, process - VTB1112BH, 1113BH
Photodiodes, process - VTB1112H, 1113H
Photodiodes, process - VTB4051H
Photodiodes, Process - VTB5051
Photodiodes, Process - VTB5051BH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB5051JH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB5051UVH
Photodiodes, Process - VTB5051UVJ
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6060B
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6061
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6061CIE
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6061J
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6061UV
Photodiodes, Process - VTB6061UVJ
Photodiodes, Process - VTB8341
Photodiodes, Process - VTB8440H, 8441H
Photodiodes, Process - VTB9412H, 9413H
Photodiodes, Process - VTB9412H, 9413H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP100CH
Photodiodes, process - VTP100H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP1012H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP1112H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP1188SH
Photodiodes, Process - VTP1232H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP3310LAH
Photodiodes, Process - VTP3410LAH
Photodiodes, Process - VTP4085H, 4085SH
Photodiodes, Process - VTP5050H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP6060
Photodiodes, Process - VTP7110H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP7210H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP7840H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP8350H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP8440H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP8551H
Photodiodes, Process - VTP8651H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80, 82, 85
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80H, 82H, 85H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80H, 82H, 85H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS80H, 82H, 85H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81, 83, 84
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81H, 83H, 84H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS81H, 83H, 84H
Photodiodes, Process - VTS86
Photodiodes, Process - VTS86
Photodiodes, Process - VTS86H
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTB8840STRH
Photodiodes, silicon - VTD34FSMH
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP1232F
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP1332
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP1332F
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP8740BTRH
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP8740STRH
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP8840BTRH
Photodiodes, Silicon - VTP9412H
Phototransistors - VTT Series, CR Series for Industrial Commercial Applications
Phototransistors - VTT Series, CR Series for Industrial Commercial Applications
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT1015H, 16H, 17H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT1115H, 16H, 17H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT1212H, 1214H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT1222WH, 23WH
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT1225H, 26H, 27H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT3323LAH, 4LAH, 5LAH
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT3423LAH, 4LAH, 5LAH
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT7122H, 7123H, 7125H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT7222H, 7223H, 7225H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT9002H, 9003H
Phototransistors, NPN - VTT9102H, 9103H
Power Supplies - AC/DC Rectifiers - Auto-Transformer Rectifier Unit
Pulsed Laser Diodes - PGA-PGEW Series for Range Finding Applications
Pulsed Laser Diodes - PGA-PGEW Series for Range Finding Applications
Pulsed Xenon - FlashPac
Pulsed Xenon - PAX 10 10-Watt Precision-Aligned, Modular, Xenon Light Source
Pulsed Xenon - PAX 10 10-Watt Precision-Aligned, Modular, Xenon Light Source
Pulsed Xenon - PAX 6 6-Watt Precision-Aligned, Modular, Xenon Light Source
Pulsed Xenon - PID Lamps
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1128, PYQ 1398 Four Element Detectors for Ceiling Mount
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1128, PYQ 1398 Four Element Detectors for Ceiling Mount
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1128, PYQ 1398 Four Element Detectors for Ceiling Mount Motion Sensing for Ceiling Mount
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1148, PYD 1488 High-End Pyro Four Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarms
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1148, PYD 1488 High-End Pyro Four Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarms
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 1148, PYQ 1488 High-End Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarm
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 778 LHi 878, PYD 1388 - Low Cost Pyro for motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 778 LHi 878, PYD 1388 - Low Cost Pyro for motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 778 LHi 878, PYD 1388 - Low Cost Pyro for motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 807, PYS 4198 High-sensitivity Pyro
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 807, PYS 4198 High-sensitivity Pyro
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 807, PYS 4198 High-sensitivity Pyro
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 874, LHi 944 Low-Profile Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 874, LHi 944 Low-Profile Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 874, LHi 944 Low-Profile Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 968, PYD 1398 High-End Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarm
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 968, PYD 1398 High-End Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarm
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - LHi 968, PYD 1398 High-End Pyro Dual Element Detectors for Intrusion Alarm
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYD 5131 Miniaturized Dual Element Pyrodetectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYD 5131 Miniaturized Dual Element Pyrodetectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYD 5131 Miniaturized Dual Element Pyrodetectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYS 3228, PYS 3428 Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYS 3228, PYS 3428 Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYS 3228, PYS 3428 Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Analog - PYS 3228, PYS 3428 Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 1096 DigiPyro® Dual Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 1096 DigiPyro® Dual Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 1096 DigiPyro® Dual Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 1788, PYD 1798 DigiPyro® Dual Element Pyros for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 5731 DigiPyro® Dual Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 5731 DigiPyro® Miniaturized Dual Element Pyrodetectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYD 5731 DigiPyro® Miniaturized Dual Element Pyrodetectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 1098 DigiPyro® Four Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 1098 DigiPyro® Four Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 1098 DigiPyro® Four Element "Smart DigiPyro" for simple motion sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 2898 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 2898 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 2898 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 5868 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 5868 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYQ 5868 DigiPyro® Four Element Detectors for Motion Sensing
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYS 3798 DigiPyro® Single Element Pyros for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYS 3798 DigiPyro® Single Element Pyros for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYS 3798 DigiPyro® Single Element Pyros for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYS 3828 DigiPyro® Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Pyroelectric Detectors, Digital - PYS 3828 DigiPyro® Dual Channel Pyro for Gas Monitoring and Measuring
Single Photon Counting Module - SPCM for Analytical and Molecular Applications
Single Photon Counting Module - SPCM-AQ4C 4-Channel Array
Single Photon Counting Module - SPCM-AQRH Modules and Receivers for Analytical and Molecular Applications
Single Photon Counting Module - SPCM-UV Single Photon Counting Module
Thermopile Detectors - A2TPMI with integrated signal processing circuit
Thermopile Detectors - A2TPMI23S with integrated signal processing circuit in SMD housing
Thermopile Detectors - C30645, C30662 Sereis Large Area InGaAs
Thermopile Detectors - DigiPile™ Family
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 0223, 0623 Miniature Detectors for Gas Sensing and Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0214, TPD 1T 0514, TPD 1T 0624 Detectors for Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0214, TPD 1T 0514, TPD 1T 0624 Detectors for Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0214, TPD 1T 0514, TPD 1T 0624 Detectors for Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0224 detector for non-contact temperature measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0226 IRA detector for non-contact temperature measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0226 IRA, TPD 1T 0226 L5.5 Detectors with Integral Optics
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 1T 0226 L5.5
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 2T 0625 High-sensitivity detectors for Gas Sensing
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 333, 733 Miniature Detectors for Gas Sensing and Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPD 333, 733 Miniature Detectors for Gas Sensing and Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPiD 012B, TPiD 022B Isothermal Miniature Detectors for Infant Ear Thermometry
Thermopile Detectors - TPiD 1S 0121, TPiD 1S 0121 FM SMD Miniature Detectors for All Applications
Thermopile Detectors - TPiL 08T 2146 L3.9, TPiA 16T 4146 L3.9 Cool Eye modules with Integral Optics for Safety and Security
Thermopile Detectors - TPiL 08T 2146 L3.9, TPiA 16T 4146 L3.9 Cool Eye modules with Integral Optics for Safety and Security
Thermopile Detectors - TPiL 08T 2146 L3.9, TPiA 16T 4146 L3.9 Cool Eye modules with Integral Optics for Safety and Security
Thermopile Detectors - TPiL 08T 2146 L3.9, TPiA 16T 4146 L3.9 Cool Eye modules with Integral Optics for Safety and Security
Thermopile Detectors - TPiS 1s 0133, TPiS 1s 0133 FM Isothermal Miniature Detectors for Ear Thermometry
Thermopile Detectors - TPiS 1s 0133, TPiS 1s 0133 FM Isothermal Miniature Detectors for Ear Thermometry
Thermopile Detectors - TPLM 086 L5.5 Linear Array Module with 8 Elements
Thermopile Detectors - TPMI® Family: TPM 1T 0136 L5.5, TPM 1T 0134 M(y) modules with Integrated Processing for Temperature Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPMI® Family: TPM 1T 0136 L5.5, TPM 1T 0134 M(y) modules with Integrated Processing for Temperature Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPMI® Family: TPS 1T 0134 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 L5.5 modules with Integrated Processing for Non-Contact Temperature Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPMI® Family: TPS 1T 0134 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 L5.5 modules with Integrated Processing for Non-Contact Temperature Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPMI® Family: TPS 1T 0134 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 IRA, TPS 1T 0136 L5.5 modules with Integrated Processing for Non-Contact Temperature Measurement
Thermopile Detectors - TPS 2534 Dual Channel
Thermopile Detectors - TPS 333 Miniature sensor housing
Thermopile Detectors - TPS 334, Small absorber size
Thermopile Detectors - TPS 534, Large absorber size
Thermopile Detectors - TPS 535, Large absorber size
Thyratron - HY-11 Hydrogen Filled Triode Thyratron
Thyratron - HY-3002/5948A Hydrogen Filled Triode Thyratron
Thyratron - HY-3189 Deuterium Grounded Grid Thyratron
Thyratron - HY-32 Deuterium Triode Thyratron
Thyratron - HY-5 Hydrogen Filled Tetrode Thyratron
Thyratron - HY-53 Hydrogen Tetrode Thyratron
Thyratrons - HY-5948A Hydrogen Triode Thyratron
Transformer, Injection - 146A Series
Transformer, Injection - 146B Series
Transformer, Injection - 179 Series
Transformer, Injection - 185 Series
Transformer, Injection - TR-2144 Series
Transformer, Injection - TS-136B series
Transformer, Injection - TS-1952 Series
Transformer, Injection - TS-2295 Series
Transformer, Injection - TS-2400 Series
Transformer, Injection - TS-90A Series
Transformer, Trigger - TR-130, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-132C, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-148A, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1647, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1700, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1749C, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1749E, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1795, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-180B, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-1855, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2012, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2070, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2080, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2081, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2157, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-2300, External
Transformer, Trigger - TR-36A, External
Transformer, Trigger - Trigger Transformers and Chokes family
Transformer, Trigger - Trigger Transformers and Chokes family
White ACULED® – Model R3C6 for High CRI, High R9 Medical OEM Applications
Xenon Power Supply - CE 260 AHX, BHX, CHX
Xenon Power Supply - CE 260 AXE, BXE, CXE
Xenon Power Supply - CE200 AHX, BHX, CHX
Xenon Power Supply - CE300 AHX, BHX, CHX
Xenon Power Supply - CE300 AXE, BXE, CXE
Xenon Power Supply - CEP300 AHX, BHX, CHX
Xenon Power Supply - CEP300 AXE, BXE, CXE, FXE
Xenon Strobes - CX-Strobe™ Fiber-Optic Strobe Series
Xenon Strobes - MVS 2600 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - MVS 3001 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - MVS 5760 Series, VIGI-Lux® IR Illuminator
Xenon Strobes - MVS-4000 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - MVS-4100 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - MVS-5000 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - MVS-5760 Machine Vision Strobe
Xenon Strobes - VIGI-Lux® MVS 5770 Series
Xenon Strobes - X-strobe™ Machine Vision System


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