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Thermopile SensorsIn GeneralThermopile Sensors generate a small thermoelectric voltage proportional to the detected radiation. These Sensors can be used to determine surface temperatures or to measure certain gas concentrations, like CO2, CO, N2O or Hydrocarbons, according to the principle of “non dispersive infrared spectroscopy”. Our thermopile sensors can be operated at temperatures between -20 and +120°C (-20 to 180°C for HTS-HT) and are normally equipped with a thermistor reference to determine the sensors housing temperature which normally is equal to ambient temperature. The Sensors are available in standard TO-39 packages, TO-46 packages and Micro TO packages. Thermopile Sensors / SingleSingle Sensors - HMSZ11-Series
The worldwide smallest Thermopile Mini Sensor,
comprising a new type CMOS compatible sensor
chip plus a thermistor reference chip, features
good sensitivity, small temperature coefficient
of sensitivity as well as high reproducibility
and reliability. The sensor is available in a
new transistor outline package smaller than
TO-46, equipped with an IR transmitting filter
window. The sensor can be equipped with
customized filter upon request.
Single Thermopile Sensors - HMS-Series, HTS-Series
The HMS- and HTS-Series of CMOS compatible
thermopile sensor chips feature good
sensitivity, small temperature coefficient of
sensitivity as well as high reproducibility and
reliability. HMS-Sensors are housed in TO-46,
HTS-Sensors are offered in TO-39 packages. The
smaller package sizes benefit applications in
which sensor mounting is a critical parameter.
The HMS-M types offer the possibility to
integrate an infrared lens into a TO-46 housing
and to reduce the field of view accordingly. The
smaller chip TP1 is well suited for temperature
measurements which require a precise measuring
spot whereas the chip type TP2 offers higher
signal and TP3 offers even the highest signal.
Additionally Heimann Sensor can offer integrated
thermopile sensors (HIS-series) combining a
thermopile sensor chip with an ASIC in a TO-39
or TO-46 housing.
Single Thermopile Sensors with Lens Optics - HMS-M-Series
The HMS-M-Series combines the good
characteristics of the HMS-Series and the
advantages of a diffractive lens respective
field of view and signal. The focal length of
this lens is 3.0 mm and available with long wave
path (LWP) F5.5 or F8.0 filter coatings. Also
available is an F5.5 Ge-Lens in TO-39 housing
like A11 F5.5, for example.
Single Thermopile Sensors in SMD ceramic package - HCS-Series
The HCS-Series combine wonderful color package
with supreme functionality...
Thermopile Sensors / DualsDuals - HTS E-Series
The HTSE Multichannel Sensors comprise two
independent sensor chips for a multichannel gas
concentration measurement. Typically one of the
optical channels contain a gas specific filter
window and the other channel, equipped with a
filter with center wavelength where no gas
absorption occurs, serves as reference. Of
course we can also provide Multichannel Sensors
with customer filters (thickness should be close
to 0.5 mm). The sensors are offered in TO-39
Thermopile Sensors / QuadsQuads – HTSQ-Series, HGSQ-Series
The HTSQ Multichannel Sensors comprise four
independent sensor chips for a multichannel gas
concentration measurement. Typically one to
three of the optical channels contain a gas
specific filter window and the other channel,
equipped with a filter with center wavelength
where no gas absorption occurs, serves as
reference. Of course we can also provide
Multichannel Sensors with customer filters
(thickness should be close to 0.5 mm). These
sensors are offered in TO-39 packages.
Thermopile SensorsHigh Temperature Single SensorsThermopile Sensors with Signal ProcessingIn General
Our thermopile sensors with integrated
signal processing are designed to reduce
application effort in development and
production. They are divided into 2 main
groups of calibrated thermopile modules and
fixed gain integrated sensors. A broad range
of housings is available from transistor
outline packages (TO) through printed
circuit board to SMD packages.
Integrated Sensors Heimann integrated sensors are thermopile sensor, low-noise amplifier and for single sensors a temperature reference integrated in same housing. Different types of signal conditioning ASICs can deliver analogue or digitalized output voltages for single or dual channel. They come with factory set fixed gain and can be equipped with various available or customized filters. The devices are available in 4-pin TO-39/TO-5 packages (HIS-series), 4-pin TO-46/TO-18 packages (HIM-series) or SMD packages (HCM-series). Main application of our integrated sensors is NDIR gas detection. Thermopile ModulesHeimann thermopile modules are non-contact thermometers comprising a high sensitive thermopile sensor and a signal conditioning circuit in the same housing. The thermopile modules can be supplied factory calibrated to a defined object temperature range, with or without internal temperature compensation reducing ambient temperature influence or even adjusted to fixed gain. The devices are available in standard TO-39/TO-5 packages (HIS-series), mounted on printed circuit board (HTIA series) or SMD packages (HCM-series). Different types of signal conditioning ASICs can deliver analog output voltages or calculated temperatures on digital SM-Bus or PWM output. Main application is non-contact temperature measurement. Integrated SensorsApplication Notes
Application Note Thermopile Module Analog
Application Note Communication And Programming Digital Module Application Note Cleaning And Handling Of Optical Devices DevicesSingle-Channel with Analog Outputs
package 4pin TO5/TO39 - factory set gain
5600 - supply voltage 5V
Datasheet HIS Ax1 Fx G5600
package 4pin TO5/TO39 - selectable preset
gain 2150 / 4300 - supply voltage 2.7V-5.5V
Datasheet HIS Ax2 Fx Gx
package 4pin TO18/TO46 - selectable preset
gain 2150 / 4300 - supply voltage 2.7V-5.5V
Datasheet HIM Jx2 Fx Gx
package 8lead SMD 3.8x3.8(mm) - adjustable
gain 2150 / 4300 - supply voltage 2.7V-5.5V
Datasheet HCM Cx2 Fx Dual-Channel with Analog Outputs
package 4pin TO5/TO39 - selectable preset
gain 2150 / 4300 - supply voltage 2.7V-5.5V
Datasheet HIS E222 F1 F2 Gx Single-Channel with Digital Output
package 4pin TO5/TO39 - SM-Bus by default -
optional PWM - supply voltage 3V or 5V
Datasheet HID A2x Fx Gx Dual-Channel with Digital Output
package 4pin TO5/TO39 - SM-Bus by default -
optional PWM - supply voltage 3V or 5V
Datasheet HID E22x F1 F2 Gx.pdf Thermopile ModulesApplication Notes
Application Note Thermopile Module Analog
Application Note Communication And Programming Digital Module Application Note Cleaning And Handling Of Optical Devices Application Note Object temperature Calculation Based On 3D Data Array Datasheet Adapter Cable Set for Thermopile Module Type HTIA DevicesAnalog Output / Narrow Field Of View
package 6pin TO5/TO39 - lens optics -
calibration for temperature
Datasheet HIS Lx FL5.5 Tx
package PCB with connector - lens optics -
calibration for temperature
Datasheet HTIA Ex L4.4-F5.5 Tx
package PCB with connector - mirror optics -
calibration for temperature
Datasheet HTIA Dx Tx Analog Output / Wide Field Of View
package 6pin TO5/TO39 - calibration for
temperature - cap aperture without optics
Datasheet HIS Ax1 Fx Tx 6PIN
package 6pin TO5/TO39 - fixed gain
adjustment - cap aperture without optics
Datasheet HIS Ax1 Fx Gx 6PIN
package PCB with connector - calibration for
temperature - cap aperture without optics
Datasheet HTIA Cx Tx Digital Output / Narrow Field Of View
package 6pin TO5/TO39 - lens optics -
temperature output via SM-Bus or PWM
Datasheet HID L1x FL5.5 Tx Digital Output / Wide Field Of View
package 6pin TO5/TO39 - cap aperture without
optics - temperature output via SM-Bus or
Datasheet HID A1x Fx Tx
package 8lead SMD 5x5(mm) - 3V/5V by
external wiring - temperature output via
SM-Bus or PWM
Datasheet HCM G15 Fx Tx
SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/
电话:0755-83376489 83376549 83607652 83370250 83370251 83376549
传真:0755-83376182 (0)13902971329 MSN: xjr5@163.com
邮编:518033 E-mail:szss20@163.com QQ: 195847376
深圳赛格展销部:深圳华强北路赛格电子市场9583号 电话:0755-83665529 13823648918
技术支持: 0755-83394033 13501568376
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西安分公司:西安高新开发区20所(中国电子科技集团导航技术研究所) 西安劳动南路88号电子商城二楼D23号
TEL: 18926764199 FAX:029-77678271