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力敏 压力 荷重 称重 应变片 加速度 拉压力 压阻 转矩 振动 微压 力距 压电 差压 张力 扭矩

速度传感器/加速度传感器压电传感器/压电加速度超声波物位变送器射频物位开关浮球液位变送器浮球液位开关投入式静压液位变送器双界面油水分析仪料位开关/音叉料位开关系列电容物位计智能磁致伸缩液位仪磁场传感器/磁敏传感器旋转编码器/轴角传感器/角度霍尔元件/霍尔IC/霍尔传感器ADI基于MEMS的传感器和温度传感器电子指南针 电子罗盘陀螺仪/角速度传感器 磁传感器 加速度传感器 三维数字罗盘 二维数字罗盘 倾角传感器/模块惯性导航 GPS模块

英国Hansford Sensor加速度传感器
Freescale 加速度传感器
加速度计/加速度传感器/重力传感器                          意法半导体ST
Silicon Designs
Sunny Instruments


 VibraSens位于法国,是一家设计和制造振动工程界如工业压电加速度计、振动传感器、振动信号发射器,空调、接线盒、低噪声电缆组件、连接器、配件和校准设备的高科技公司。  VibraSens的核心技术包括:
  工业压电加速度传感器/加速度计的设计和制造;  压电式压力传感器的设计和制造;  
  信号调节对压电振动传感器和振动信号传送器:电荷转换器,恒流源;  低噪声同轴电缆及双绞线;
  接线盒与BNC或开关接口单元;    安装螺栓、块和磁基座等配件; 

Piezoelectric Vibration sensor Competitors Cross Reference List
Competitor Competitor
Best Buy
Meggit Group
5220 101.11-6-1    
  5221 103.12-6-1    
Meggit Group
CE680M411 101.01-6-1 101.01-6-2  
Meggit Group
793 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  797 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  746   101.01-6-2 VibraSens:use IP69K M12
overmolded cable (1)
  782A 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 Wilcoxon:sensitivity ±15%
  784A 105.01-6-1 105.01-6-3 wilcoxon:sensitivity ±20%, flexure (7)
  785A 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2  
  786A 101.01-6-1 101.01-6-2  
  787A 103.02-6-1 103.02-6-2  
  788A 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 wilcoxon :flexure design (7)
  797 103.02-6-1 103.02-6-2 not exactly same housing
  793L 101.01-9-1 101.01-9-2 compression design (2)
  797L 103.02-9-1 103.02-9-2 not exactly same housing
  799LF 101.01-9-1 101.01-9-2  
  793V 111.01-6-1 111.01-6-2 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  797V 113.02-6-1 113.01-6-2  
  793 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  793-6 101.11-6-1   Wilcoxon:compression design
  797-6 103.12-6-1    
  793T-3   101.21-6-2-T0 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  793VT   111.21-6-2-T0 Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  797LT 101.01-9-1-T0 101.01-9-2-T0  
  797T-1   103.02-6-2-T0  
  793-6 fire 101.11-6-1   150°C hybrid thick film electronic
Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  797-6 Fire 103.02-6-1   150°C hybrid thick film electronic
Wilcoxon:compression design (2)
  PC420A 125.01-A-1 125.01-A-2  
  PC421 127.01-A-1 127.01-A-2  
  PC423     use IP69K M12 overmolded cable
PCB-IMI/U.S.A 603C01 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 PCB:Dynamic limited at 50g
  623C01 101.21-3-1 101.21-3-2  
  606B01 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 PCB:Dynamic limited at 50g
Dytran/U.S.A 3176B 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 Dytran:Dynamic limited at 50g
  3184E 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2  
  3202A 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 Dytran:Dynamic limited at 50g
  3202A 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2  
SKF/U.S.A. CMSS 2100 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 Wilcoxon sourcing
  CMSS 2106 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-2 Wilcoxon sourcing
  CMSS 21200 103.02-6-1 103.02-6-2 Wilcoxon sourcing
CTC Online
      Connection Technology Center
  AC102-1A 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 CTC dynamic range is 50g
  AC150-1A 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 CTC dynamic range is 50g,
sensitivity ±15%
  AC210-A1 101.01-6-1 101.01-6-2  
  AC104-1A 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 CTC dynamic range is 50g
  AC184-1A 104.01-6-1 104.01-6-2 CTC Sensitivity is ±10%
  AC211-1A 103.02-6-1 103.02-6-2  
  AC135-1A 101.01-9-1 101.01-9-2 CTC Sensitivity is ±10%
  AC136-1A 103.02-9-1 103.02-9-2 CTC Sensitivity is ±10%
  AC131-1A 101.21-3-1 101.21-3-3  
  AC224-1A 103.22-3-1 103.22-3-2 VibraSens is slightly bigger
  TA102-1A   101.21-6-3-T0 CTC dynamic range is 50g
  TA104-1A   103.22-6-2-T0 CTC dynamic range is 50g
  TA184-1A   104.01-6-2-T0 CTC dynamic range is 50g
  TA131-1A   101.21-3-3-T0  
  TA135   101.01-9-2-T0 CTC Sensitivity is ±10%
  AC107-1A 101.11-6-1   CTC Sensitivity is ±10%/range=50g
  AC108-1A 103.02-6-1   CTC Sensitivity is ±10%/range=50g
  AC188-1A 104.11-6-1   CTC Sensitivity is ±10%/range=50g
  VE101-1A 111.01-6-1 111.01-6-2  
  VE102-1A 113.01-6-1 113.01-6-2  
  LP202-1A 125.01-V-1 125.01-V-3-DA (8)
  LP204-1A 127.01-V-1 127.01-V-2-DA (8)
  LP284-1A 128.01-V-1 128.01-V-2-DA (8)
  LP302-1A 125.01-A-1 125.01-A-3-DA (8)
  LP304-1A 127.01-A-1 127.01-A-2-DA (8)
  LP401-1B   125.01-V-2-DV (8)
  LP402-1B   125.01-V-2-DA (8)
  LP404-1A   125.01-A-2-DA (8)
Monitran / U.K. MTN/1100 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 Monitran:compression design (2)
  MTN/1100S 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 Monitran:compression design (2) (3)
  MTN/1100SW   101.21-6-2 VibraSens:use IP69K M12
overmolded cable (1)
  MTN/1187 125.01-A- 125.01-A-3 Monitran:compression design (2)
  MTN/1185-2P 125.01-V-1 125.01-V-3 Monitran:compression design (2) (5)
  MTN/1186   125.01-V-3-DA Monitran:compression design (2) (5)
  MTN/1600 111.01-6-1 111.01-6-2 Monitran:compression design (2)
  MTN/1188   125.01-A-3-DA Monitran:compression design(2)
  MTN/1010 108.01-6-4   Monitran:Base not isolated (6)
  MTN/1020 108.01-6-4   Monitran:Base not isolated (6)
Hansford / U.K. HS-100 101.21-6-1 101.21-6-3 Hansford:compression design (2)
  HS-100S 103.22-6-1 103.22-6-2 Hansford:compression design (2) (3)
  HS-120   105.01-6-3 Hansford:Plastic M12 connector
max 90°C
  HS-420 125.01-V-1   Hansford:compression design (2) (5)
  HS-421   125.01-VR-3-DA Hansford:compression design (2) (5)
  HS-422 125.01-A-1   Hansford:compression design (2) (5)

Note: The information found in the VibraSens Part Number Crosser section of our website is intended for reference purposes only. VibraSens does not guarantee the accuracy of this information and provides this section as a service to our customers.
Well know manufacturers like Bruel&Kjaer / Kistler / MMF are not included in this list because there are mostly laboratory acceleromleters provider.

(1) VibraSens Best buy : If you buy a VibraSens sensor with M12 connector you'll save money on the overmolded cable compare to Mil-C-5015 solution. M12 overmolded cable assembly have a submersible depth of 150 meters/500 feet. M12 overmolded cable could aslo be shipped with a stainless steel armored conduit.

(2) Compression design is an old design that should not be used anymore.
Limitations are : thermal transient sensitivity, base strain sensitivity, high transverse sensitivity, 2Hz lowest frequency, Low resonant frequency, ....

(3) sensor cover not welded -> no hermeticity

(4) Sealed with stuffing gland and epoxy : suceptible to epoxy cracks and ageing. NO GLASS SEAL Sealing.

(5) Old Compression design : 4-20 mA signal will be sensitive to cable motion (base strain sensitivity)

(6) Base not isolated: signal will be distored by 50 Hz.

(7) Flexure design limitations are : 2Hz lowest frequency, thermal transiant sensitivity, Low resonant frequency, ....

(8) Using the M12 connector with 4 Pins, VibraSens is able to offer (free of charge) Dynamic acceleration / Dynamic velocity

Premium General Purpose Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Industrial, general purpose, premium piezoelectric accelerometer use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide 100mV/g 甀CP / 甀EPE Acceleration AC output. They usually sense vibration commonly found in industrial machinery : motors, fans, pumps, paper machine rolls, ....
Note about old compression design accelerometer.
Compare to obsolete compression design, annular shear piezoelectric sensors feature better frequency response, improved base strain, lower noise, smaller size, thermal transient imunity and insensitivity to cable motion. Annular shear mode is also less susceptible to transverse vibrations and better immune to electronic saturation at high frequency.

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 101

Image100 mV/g
Available with: MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 80 grammes

ImageEnglish / French / Deutsch / Espanol / Portuges / Italiano / Polsku / Cesky

Cross reference list : Wilcoxon 786A / CTC AC210-A1 / Vibro-Meter CE680M411 / Endevco & Bruel&Kjaer 5220

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 103

Image 100 mV/g
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25 x 25 x 53 mm, 130 grammes, M6 or 1/4" 28 mounting

Image English / French / German

Cross reference list : Wilcoxon 787A / Wilcoxon 797 / Wilcoxon 797T-1 / SKF CMSS 21200 / CTC AC211-1A / CTC AC108-1A

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 104

100 mV/g
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25x25 x 53 mm, 150 grammes, M8 Mounting

Image English / French / German

Cross Reference List : CTC AC184-1A / CTC TA184-1A / CTC  AC188-1A

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 108

100 mV/g
Available with : TNC / MIL-C-5015 / M12
Hex 19 x 36 mm, 39 grammes
 Isolated from mounting surface

Image English / French / German

Cross Reference List : Monitran MTN/1010 (6) / Monitran MTN/1020 (6)

(6) Base not isolated: 50Hz / 60 Hz pickup noise


Low Frequency Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Industrial, low frequency, piezoelectric accelerometer use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide 500mV/g 甀CP / 甀EPE Acceleration AC. They are used when low frequency measurement down to 0.1 Hz is necessary to balance or evaluate mechanical condition of low speed machinery : cooling towers, low speed agitators, hydromachinery, structural testing, ...
Note about old compression design accelerometer.
Accelerometer with compression design is limited to 2 Hz (thermal transient saturation) that is why such low frequency accelerometer (able to measure down to 0.1 Hz) could not be found by manufacturer only manufacturing compression design.

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 101

Image500 mV/g (Shear Design)
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 85 grammes

English / French / German

Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 793L (2) / Wilcoxn 799LF / Wilcoxn 797LT / CTC AC136-1A / CTC TA135 /

(2) Compression design is an old design that should not be used anymore.
Limitations are : thermal transient sensitivity, base strain sensitivity, high transverse sensitivity, 2Hz lowest frequency, Low resonant frequency, ....

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 103

500 mV/g (Shear Design)
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25x25 x53 mm, 165 grammes, M6 or 1/4" mounting

English / French / German

Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 797L / CTC AC136-1A /

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 104

Image500 mV/g
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25 x 25 mm x 53, 165 grammes, M8 Mounting

English / French / German

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 108

Image500 mV/g
Available with TNC - MIL-C-5015 - M12 connector
Hex 19 x 36 mm, 44 grammes
Isolated from mounting surface

Image English / French / German

High Frequency Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Industrial, high frequency, piezoelectric accelerometer use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide 10mV/g 甀CP / 甀EPE Acceleration AC output. They are used for modal testing or when very high frequency measurements up to 20 kHz are needed.
Note about old compression design accelerometer.
Compare to obsolete compression design, annular shear piezoelectric sensors feature better frequency response, improved base strain, lower noise, smaller size, thermal transient imunity and insensitivity to cable motion. Annular shear mode is also less susceptible to transverse vibrations and better immune to electronic saturation at high frequency.

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 101

Image10 mV/g
Available with: MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 80 grammes

Image English


Cross Reference List : CTC AC131-1A / PCB-IMI 623C01

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 103

Image10 mV/g
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25 x 25 x 53 mm, 120 grammes, M6 or 1/4" 28 mounting

Image English

Cross Reference List : CTC AC224-1A

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 104

Image 10 mV/g
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25x25 x 53 mm, 140 grammes, M8 Mounting

Image English

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 108

Image10 mV/g
Available with TNC - MIL-C-5015 - M12 connector
Hex 19 x 36 mm, 34 grammes
Isolated from mounting surface

Image English

High Frequency Compact Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Industrial, high frequency, compact piezoelectric accelerometer use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide 10, 50 or 100 mV/g 甀CP / 甀EPE Acceleration AC output. They are used for permanent monitoring when low weigth, low size, very high frequency measurements up to 20 kHz are needed.
Note about old compression design accelerometer.
Compact sensors still using obsolete compression design have limited frequency range, no double case isolation with faraday shield (EMC and 50/60 Hz noise), base strain sensitivity, higher noise for similar size, and limited low end bandwith (2Hz usually).

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 109

Image10, 50, 100 mV/g ?5, 10, 20 %
Available with: M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 14 x 23 mm, 20 grammes


Cross reference list : Wilcoxon not available / CTC AC21X / PCB : TBD

High Temperature Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Industrial, high temperature, piezoelectric accelerometer use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide  100 mV/g±5% ®ICP / ®IEPE Acceleration  AC output. They use hybrid thick film electronic that can withstand 150°C.

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 101.11

Image100 mV/g ?5%
Available with: MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 80 grammes

Image English

Cross Reference List : Endevco Bruel & Kjaer 5220 / Vibro-Meter CE680M411 / Wilcoxon 793-6 fire (2) / CTC AC107-1A

(2) Compression design is an old design that should not be used anymore.
Limitations are : thermal transient sensitivity, base strain sensitivity, high transverse sensitivity, 2Hz lowest frequency, Low resonant frequency, ....

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 103.12

Image100 mV/g ?5%
Available with MIL-C-5015, M12 connector or IP68 Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25 x 25 x 53 mm, 130 grammes, M6 or 1/4" 28 mounting

Image English

Cross Reference List : Endevco Bruel & Kjaer 5221 / Wilcoxon 797-6 Fire (2)

(2) Compression design is an old design that should not be used anymore.
Limitations are : thermal transient sensitivity, base strain sensitivity, high transverse sensitivity, 2Hz lowest frequency, Low resonant frequency, ....

Industrial Triaxial Vibration Sensors

Industrial, triaxial vibration sensors use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode, have dual case isolation with an internal faraday shield, use 甀CP / 甀EPE transmission mode.

Note about old compression design accelerometer.

Compare to obsolete compression design, annular shear piezoelectric sensors feature better frequency response, improved base strain, lower noise, smaller size, thermal transient imunity and insensitivity to cable motion. Annular shear mode is also less susceptible to transverse vibrations and better immune to electronic saturation at high frequency.

Why industrial triaxial vibration sensors are bigger than laboratory ones.

Triaxial industrial sensors require dual case isolation provided by an internal Faraday shield. Laboratory triaxial sensors are only isolated (if at all) by an external isolation pad on the mounting surface or by an anodised aluminum housing. They are therefore prone to ground loop and 50 Hz or 60 Hz pickup. In harsh environments, industrial vibration sensors don抰 allow for such solutions.


Low cost triaxial vibration sensor model 131

Available with the following sensitivities 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 mV/g
Available only with M12 connector

42 x 42 mm x 23 mm, 240 grammes

ImageEnglish / French / German

Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 993B-7-M12  / CTC AC230-1D 

Low size triaxial vibration sensor model 138

Available with the following sensitivities 10, 50, 100 mV/g
Available only with M12 connector

41 x 27 mm x 16.8 mm, 84 grammes

ImageEnglish / French /German

Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 993B-7-M12  / CTC AC230-1D 

TO-5 Transistor style piezoelectric accelerometer

TO-5 solid state piezoelectric accelerometers offer low cost solution for vibration and shock measurements in high-volume and commercial OEM applications. The compact designs may be embedded into machinery at the OEM level to provide value-added monitoring protection. The units employ field-proven, solid-state, annular shear piezoelectric sensing elements.
They are available with charge, voltage or 甀CP / 甀EPE output. They offer better resolution and broader frequency range compare to MEMS or capacitive accelerometers. They are therefore mainly used for predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, bearing and gear mesh vibration measurements, ...


Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor Model 160

Image Available with :
charge output (11 pC/g)
voltage output (3 wires) 25, 50, 100 mV/g
ICP output (2 wires) 10, 100 mV/g 
dia 9mm, 3 grammes (0.1 Oz)


Cross reference list : PCB Series 660 Low cost embeddable accelerometers.

Piezovelocity Vibration Sensors

Industrial, Piezovelocity sensors use piezoceramic in the annular shear mode and provide 100mV/in/sec. They use the 甀CP / 甀EPE industry standard transmission mode. Piezovelocity sensors use an internal integration circuit which inherently decrease high frequency signals allowing better measurements of low frequency signal.
Paper machine dryers (when steam leaks), pumps (cavitation high frequency noise) are prone to such phenomenom.

Note about old compression design accelerometer.
Compression design accelerometer could not be used for piezovelocity sensor because they are 
- sensitive to base strain
- sensitive to cable motion
- too big (compare to shear design) for the same charge output.
Annular shear accelerometer is the only valid design for such sensor.

Piezovelocity Sensor Model 111

Image100 mV/in/sec (4 mV/mm/sec)
Available with: MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP69K Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 85 grammes


Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 793V (2) / CTC VE101-1A / Monitran MTN/1600 (2)

Piezovelocity Sensor Model 113

Image100 mV/in/sec (4 mV/mm/sec)
Available with: MIL-C-5015, M12 or IP69K Integral cable
Available with temperature output (10mV/癈)
25 x 25 x 53 mm, 165 grammes, M6 or 1/4" 28 mounting


Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon 797V / CTC VE102-1A

Premium General Purpose Industrial Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

4-20 mA piezoelectric vibration sensors are design to monitor the vibration in harsh industrial environment. It uses the industry standard 4-20 mA loop that interfaces directly with PLC, DCS and 4-20mA monitor. VibraSens transmitters are using state of the art annular shear design.

Note about obsolete compression design transmitter.
Compression design 4-20 mA velocity vibration transmitter are limited to a low frequency = 10Hz.
It means that you will not able to monitor (velocity parameter) machine runing below 500 RPM.
Annular shear vibration transmitter is the only design able to measure machine down to 150 RPM.
Compression design vibration transmitters are also more sensitive to cable motion, transverse vibration and electronic saturation at high frequency.

4-20mA Vibration Sensor Model 125

Image Full scale velocity = 10, 20 mm/sec or 0.5, 1, 2 in/sec
Full scale acceleration = 5, 10, 20, 50 g
MIL-C-5015/M12 connector or IP69K Integral cable
Hex 22 x 47 mm, 85 grammes


Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon PC420A / Wilcoxon PC423 / CTC LP202-1A / CTC LP302-1A / CTC LP401-1B / CTC LP404-1A / Monitran/1187 (5) / Monitran MTN/1186 (5) / Monitran MTN/1188 (5) / Hansford HS-420 (5) / Hansford HS-421  (5) / Hansford HS-422 (5)

(5) Old Compression design : 4-20 mA signal will be sensitive to cable motion (base strain sensitivity), not able to measure below 500 RPM.

4-20 mA Vibration Sensor Model 127

ImageFull scale velocity = 10, 20 mm/sec or 0.5, 1, 2 in/sec
Full scale acceleration = 5, 10, 20, 50 g
MIL-C-5015/M12 connector or IP69K Integral cable
25 x 25 x 53 mm, 165 grammes, M6 or 1/4" 28 mounting


Cross Reference List : Wilcoxon PC421 / Wilcoxon PC423 / CTC LP204-1A / CTC LP304-1A

Cables, Raw
VibraSens offers bulk cables specifically chosen and designed to fit our sensor and withstand the environment (thermal, fire, chemical, radiation,...) of the sensor.
Our cables use material like Teflon FEP, PTFE, Polyurethane, radiation cross link polymer Radox, PVC, ...
  • Twisted pair  ( 6 items )

    Twisted pair cables are used on :

    • 2-pole, ®ICP or equivalent accelerometers
    • 2-pole accelerometers with low impedance output (4-20mA,.)
    • 2-pole Velocimeters and Piezo Velocimeter
  • Twisted triples  ( 4 items )

    Twisted triples cables are used on :

    • 3-pole, ®ICP or eq. accelerometers with temperature output
    • 3-pole, 4-20 mA accelerometers with acceleration dynamic output
    • Vibration sensor with Integral cable and temperature or dynamic  output
  • 4 Conductors  ( 2 items )

    4 Conductors cables are used on :

    • Sensor with M12 Connector
    • 3-pole, ®ICP or eq. accelerometers with temperature output
    • 3-pole, 4-20 mA accelerometers with acceleration dynamic output
    • Vibration sensor with Integral cable and temperature or dynamic  output
  • Low noise cables  ( 2 items )

Standard cable assemblies for Industrial sensor

They are used to connect sensor to a safer environment where standard, multiconductor transmission cable could be used.

Model 10.01 numbering system will let you build your own cable.

10.01 Datasheet Image   English Datasheet

IP67 Overmolded cordset with 2 Socket MILStyle connector Model 10.01-B22-A01-05-Length

Image IP 67 overmolded 2 Socket MIL Style connector
90癈 Polyurethane cable, Gold plated contacts, Stainless steel 316L Nut
Suited for permanent monitoring. Fit piezoelectric vibration sensors with MIL connector.


Price for standard length (in stock July 15) :
10 metres - 42 to 60 Euros
20 metres - 61 to 88 Euros
30 metres - 81 to 116 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 
50 metres - 120 to 172 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 
60 metres - 140 to 200 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 

Cross Reference List :
CTC CB102-A2A-015-Z could be replaced by the VibraSens 10.01-B22-A01-02-05 
CTC CB102-A2A-030-Z could be replaced by the VibraSens 10.01-B22-A01-02-10    

IP67 Overmolded cordset with 2 Socket MILStyle connector Model 10.01-B22-A01-02-Length

Image IP 65 overmolded 2 Socket MIL Style connector
200癈 Teflon FEP cable, Gold plated contacts, Stainless steel 316L Nut
Suited for permanent monitoring. Fit piezoelectric vibration sensors with MIL connector.

Price for standard length (in stock July 15) :
10 metres - 42 to 60 Euros
20 metres - 61 to 88 Euros
30 metres - 81 to 116 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 
50 metres - 120 to 172 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 
60 metres - 140 to 200 Euros (4 weeks lead time) 

Cross Reference List :
CTC CB103-A2A-015-Z could be replaced by the VibraSens 10.01-B22-A01-01-05    
CTC CB103-A2A-030-Z could be replaced by the VibraSens 10.01-B22-A01-01-10 

IP67 Overmolded M12 cable assembly Model 10.01-A01-E01-31-Length

Image IP67; overmolded M12 cables
90癈 Polyurethane cable, 360?Shielding, IP67-68, Gold plated contacts.
Suited for permanent monitoring. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with M12 connector.


Price for standard length (in stock) :
2 metres - 11 to 16 Euros
5 metres - 16 to 23 Euros
10 metres - 24 to 34.5 Euros
15 metres - 32 to 46 Euros
20 metres - 40 to 57.5 Euros
30 metres - 56 to 80.5 Euros
50 metres - 88.5 to 126.5 Euros (4 Weeks lead time)
60 metres - 104.5 to 149.5 Euros (4 Weeks lead time)

IP67 Overmolded M12 cable assembly Model 10.01-A01-E31-31-Length

Image M12 overmolded cables
90癈 Polyurethane cable, 360?Shielding, IP67-68, Gold plated contacts.
Suited for permanent monitoring. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with M12 connector.


Price for standard length (in stock) :
2 metres - 12.5 to 18 Euros
5 metres - 17.5 to 25 Euros
10 metres - 25.5 to 36.5 Euros
15 metres - 33.5 to 48 Euros
20 metres - 41.5 to 59.5 Euros
30 metres - 57.5 to 82.5 Euros
50 metres - 90 to 128.5 Euros (4 Weeks lead time)
60 metres - 106 to 151.5 Euros (4 Weeks lead time)

IP67 Overmolded M12 cable assembly Model 10.01-A04-E04-31-Length

Image M12 overmolded cables with Stainless steel protection conduit
90癈 Polyurethane cable, 360?Shielding, IP67-68, Gold plated contacts.
Suited for permanent monitoring with extra mechanical protection. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with M12 connector.

Price for standard length (in stock) :
2 metres - 20 to 29 Euros
5 metres - 34 to 48.5 Euros
10 metres - 57 to 81.5 Euros

IP64 cordset with 2 Socket MIL Style connector Model 10.01-A01-B01-01-Length

Image MIL-C-5015 2-pole cable assembly
90癈 Shielded Polyurethane cable, IP64, Silver plated contacts.
Connector : aluminum, cadmium olive plated, stainless steel screw
Suited for permanent monitoring. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with MIL-C-5015 connector.

Price for standard length (in stock) :
5 metres - 30.5 to 43.50 Euros
10 metres - 38.5 to 55 Euros
20 metres - 54.5 to 78 Euros
Other length : add 1.60 Euros to 2.3 Euros per metre.

IP64 cordset with 2 Socket MIL Style connector Model 10.01-A01-B01-02-Length

Image MIL-C-5015 2-pole cable assembly
200癈 Shielded Teflon FEP cable, IP64, Silver plated contacts.
Connector : aluminum, cadmium olive plated, stainless steel screw
Suited for permanent monitoring in high temperature and agressive environment. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with MIL-C-5015 connector.

Price for standard length (in stock) :
5 metres - 36 to 51 Euros
10 metres - 49 to 70 Euros
20 metres - 75.5 to 108 Euros
Other length : add 2.66 Euros to 3.80 Euros per metre.

IP67 cordset with 2 Socket MIL Style connector Model 10.01-A03-B13-02-Length

Image MIL-C-5015 2-pole cable assembly
200癈 Shielded Teflon FEP cable with stainless steel AISI 316L overbraid, IP67, Gold plated contacts.
Connector : Stainless steel AISI 316L (V4A)
Suited for permanent monitoring in high temperature and agressive environment. Fit our piezoelectric vibration sensors with MIL-C-5015 connector.

Price for standard length (4 weeks lead time) :
5 metres - 71.5 to 102 Euros
10 metres - 89 to 127 Euros
20 metres - 124 to 177.5 Euros
Other length : add 3.55 Euros to 5.05 Euros per metre.

7/16"-27 UNS 2A cable assembly Model 10.01-A01-D01-22-Length

Image 7/16"-27 UNS 2A
250癈 low noise twisted pair shielded PTFE cable, IP64, Gold plated contacts.
Fit high temperature (260癈) accelerometer with charge output (pC/g).


Price for standard length :
5 metres - 239 to 342 Euros
10 metres - 299 to 427 Euros
20 metres - 418 to 597 Euros
Connector only (backshell and contacts included) : order 601.01-01 price : 176 to 251.50 Euros

Entek IRD datalooger cable assembly Model 10.01-E01-K02-61-05

Image Lemo K serie, 7 pins datalogger connector to M12 sensor connector
90°C Polyurethane spiral cable, 360° Shielding, IP64, Gold plated contacts.
Fit VibraSens accelerometer with M12 connector and Entek IRD datalooger


Price for standard length : 
2 metres (5 metres extended)- 90 to 130 Euros

Specific cable Assemblies

Cable assemblies for sensors require special attention. It is not the same as if you were buying commercial BNC cables. They require special tooling, procedure and knowledge that are not off the shelves commercially available.

  • Overmolding
  • Removing of the graphite layer on low noise cable
  • Special crimping machine and backshell to securely clamp the cable
  • Custom cable designs specifically for our applications and environment.
  • Extensive knowledge of MIL connectors and specifications
Termination boxes, switch boxes and interface boxes

Termination boxes and switch Boxes assist with data collection by terminating cables of permanently installed sensors at convenient, safe collection points.
BNC termination boxes are not switched, but provide a separate BNC connection for each channel.
Switch boxes have a single BNC connector for data collection and 11 channel rotary dial for channel selection.

BNC Interface unit model 301





4 Channels, BNC
Din rail

Image English



BNC Interface unit model 300





12 Channels, BNC
Din rail
Image English

Switch Interface unit model 302



11 Channels, Switch
Din rail
Image English

BNC Cable termination boxes model 751



4 Channels, BNC
BNC Termination boxes / enclosures
Image English

BNC Cable termination boxes model 750




8 Channels, BNC
BNC Termination boxes / enclosures
Image English

BNC / Switch Cable termination boxes model 749




11 / 12 Channels, BNC or Switch
BNC / SwitchTermination boxes / enclosures
Image English

BNC / Switch Cable termination boxes model 748




22 / 24 Channels, Switch / BNC
Switch / BNC Termination boxes / enclosures
Price: 180 to 380 Euros
Image  English


压电式速度传感器    压阻式加速度传感器  电容式加速度传感器  伺服型加速度传感器  三轴加速度传感器  陀螺仪  数据采集设备   标定校准设备   SCA610 SCA3000 SCA620 SCA1000 SCA2100 SCA3100 SCA810 SCA820 SCA830CMA3000 SCA3060




  ADXL210 ADXL103 ADXL320 ADXL250
  ADXL321 ADXL311 ADXL322 ADXL330



光电转速 磁电转速      
加速度传感器 加速度计
Vibration Sensors
Embedded Accelerometers        
832 832M1 834 834M1 3022 3028 3031 3038
3052 3058 3255A 4503 805 ACH_01 MiniSense_100 805M1
Plug and Play Accelerometers
52 52F 52M30 52M32 53 61 63 64 64B 64C
64L 68C 201 203 1201 1201F 1203 1207 1207F 1210F
3700 3801A 4000A_& 4001A 4002 4202 4203 4600 & 4602 4604 4605 4610
4623 4630 4801A 4803A 4810A 7100A 7101A 7104A 7105A 7108A
7120A 7130A 7132A 7202A 7204A 7500A 7501A 7502A 7504A 7505A
EGPE_1A EGCS_A2_B2              
Signal Conditioners        
101_Signal_Conditioner 161_Signal_Conditioner IAM_Amplifier IAMR_Amplifier
IB_ACH_01_AmplifierBox IEM_Amplifier MM40_Digital_Sensor_Readout  

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SSTKJ中国传感器科技信息网:http://www.sensor-ic.com/  SSTKJ工控安防网:http://www.pc-ps.net/

SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/   SSTKJ微波光电产品网:HTTP://www.rfoe.net/

SSTKJ消费电子产品网://www.icasic.com/    SSTKJ实业科技产品网://www.sunstars.cn/传感器销售热线:


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