EPC产品应用及资料 客户型号替代
美国EPC编码器一级代理。。。大量现货 并有现货日本品牌替代通用产品 725, 725I,
725I-S-S-0512-R-HV-1-F-1-EXNNSPEC30, 725I-S-S-4096-R-HV-5FNSXNN,
725N-1000-Q-PU-1-F-1-SN-SPEC254, 725N-S-S-10000-Q-HV-3-F-N-SX-N-N 755A 755A
Flex Mount Hollow Shaft, 755A Large Bore Hollow Shaft,
755A-01-S-0500-R-HV-1SSN, 755A-01-S-0500-R-PP-1-S-S-N,
755A-01-S-1000-R-HV-1-S-S-N, 755A-01-S-1000-R-PU-1-SSN,
755A-01-S-2000-Q-OC-1-S-S-N, 755A-01-S-2000-R-HV-1-S-S-N,
755A-02-H-0500-R-HV-1-S-*-N SPEC291, 755A-02-S-0100-R-HV-1-SSN,
755A-05-L-30000-R-HV-1-SFSN, 755A-05-S-0025-Q-PP-1-SF-S/25-CE,
755A-05S-3000RHV-1-S-S/7CE, 755A-06-S-0600-Q-HV-1-S-S/2.5NS312,
755A-11-S-0050-Q-OC-1-SF-10N, 755A-11-S-0050-Q-OC-1-SF-S/10N
225A-11-300-PU-N-N-S, 225A-34-0600-PU-N-N-S, 225Q, 225Q-11-0100-OC-NYS SPEC
325, 225Q-12-0010-OC-NN-S 702 Flange & Servo Mounts,
702-*-S-0060-R5-PU-1-L-1-S-W-Y-N spec527,
702-*-S-0600-R5-PU-1-L-1-S-W-Y-Nspec 527, 702-02-S-600-Q-PU-1-M-2-SG16-N-N,
702-07-S-10240-Q-PP-I-SY-Y-N, 702-20-H-1270-Q-OC-1-F-1-SW-Y-N-SPEC570,
702-20-S-0360-R-OC-1-G-1-SW-N-N, 702-20-S-1000-R-5PU-1-G-1-SW-YN SPEC 527,
702-20-S-1200-A-PU-1-G-1-SW-N-N, 702-20-S-2000-Q-PP-1-G-1-1-SW-Y-N,
702-20-S-3000-R-HV-1-G-1-SX-N-N-SPEC331, 702-20-S-360-R-PP-1-G-N-SY-Y-N,
702-21-S-0250-Q-OC-1-C-N-EG/8-N-N, 702-21-S-600-Q-PU-1-G-N-SG/16-N-,
702-21-S-600-Q-PU-1-G-N-SJ-N-N, 702-30-1024-R-HV-1-K-1-S-N-SPEC 3,
702-30-1024-R-HV-1-K-1-S-N-SPEC 303, 702-30-S-1024-R-HV-1-K-1-SX-N-N-SPEC
725系列编码器 260系列 编码器 702系列 编码器 VLH11系列编码器 VL10系列 编码器 770/771系列 编码器 755A系列 编码器。
美国EPC (Encoder Products Company) 编码器产品公司成立于 1969
年,是一家全球性的光电编码器生产商,生产全套的编码器为广大工业用户服务。 EPC
的编码器产品被广泛应用于:伺服和步进电机的驱动控制,运动、位置和速度控制和反馈,电子计数器,自动化机器及工具,车床、磨床和 CNC
曾率先设计出方型编码器为计数器行业所采用。客户包括一些世界 500 强企业、世界最大的计数器生产商及电子产品代理商。以后 EPC
逐步开发了整套高精度的工业型编码器,包括 1.5 英寸 系列、 2.0 英寸 系列、 2.5 英寸 系列、 58 毫米
725 型编码器—— 增量式、实心轴、2.5英寸外壳
— 标准2.5'' 外壳编码器
— 超过抗电噪声及静电释放标准
— 80 磅最大转轴径向负载和最大转轴轴向负载
— 每转输出脉冲高达 30,000
— 100 KHz 标准频率响应, 最大1M Hz频率响应可供选择
— 100 ºC温度选择
— 玻璃光栅镀烙工艺
— 具有伺服和法兰安装两种选择
— 各种可供选择的输出形式,包括集电开路,上拉电阻,推拉输出和差动线驱动输出
— 5 - 28 VDC输入 / 输出,8 – 28 VDC输入 / 5 VDC输出
— CE 标准可供选择
— 计数器,程序逻辑控制器,自动材料加工,电梯控制,机械装置工具,食品加工,X-Y机床,传送带。
— 车床加工,CNC机械装置,测试检验设备,包装机械装置,平衡机械装置,切割机械装置。
— 织物加工,旋转式工作台,传递机,货架吊车,印刷机操作,泵控制器。
— 油田装备,锯木厂机械装置,建筑机械装备。
— 全通孔设计,安装简单 — 金属结构 — 每转脉冲可达 600 CPR — 防碎光盘技术 — 单向输出和正交输出 — 标准孔径可达0.875英寸 —
可定做公制尺寸孔径 — 上拉电阻和集电极开路电路
设计特点: — 矮小型2.5'' 外壳编码器 — 采用Opto-ASIC技术 — 提供0.625''-1.125''一系列孔径选择 —
2.0''-3.5''编码器的典型替代品 — 每转脉冲数达到10000CPR, 最大1M Hz频率响应可供选择 — 多种蝶形簧片安装选择 — 符合欧美RoSH不含超量重金属标准
美国EPC-725 型编码器
美国EPC VLH11型编码器
—优秀的性能价格比 —整流信号可达12极 —密封等级可达IP64 —外形小巧,超薄,高度不到1英寸(不到25.4 mm),外径仅1.5 英寸(38
— 整流信号可达12极 — 0 -100ºC操作温度 — 适合较大轴径安装,可达5/8英寸 (15 mm)
美国EPC-711 型编码器
— 独有的工业标准方形外壳 — 多种配置,满足不同需要 — 五种外壳选型 — 每转脉冲可达2500 CPR,加强方形版本有多样选择
美国EPC EPC-25T型编码器
设计特点: — 矮小型2.5'' 外壳编码器 — 采用Opto-ASIC技术 — 提供0.625''-1.125''一系列孔径选择 —
2.0''-3.5''编码器的典型替代品 — 每转脉冲数达到10000CPR, 最大1M Hz频率响应可供选择 — 多种蝶形簧片安装选择 — 符合欧美RoSH不含超量重金属标准
美国EPC VLS10型编码器
优秀的性能价格比整流信号可达12极密封等级可达IP64 外形小巧,高度不到1英寸(不到25.4 mm),外径仅1.5 英寸(38 mm)
美国EPC-702 型编码器
702型Accu-Coder牌精密编码器,工业标准外壳,直径2.0英寸,结构紧凑, 坚固耐用,
美国EPC 960型Accu-Coder编码器
美国EPC TR2型 编码器—带齿轮和齿条传动装置
—带齿轮和齿条传动装置 —更容易在垂直、水平或颠倒的方向定位安装 —运转速度最高可达每分钟 400 英尺 —除去齿轮反作用的弹簧扭臂设计
—组件的整体设计使你的系统设计简单化, 同时节省费用
— 体积小(1.5英寸直径) — 频率响应可达1MHz(兆) — 高操作温度选择 — 脉冲可达30,000 CPR
— 欧洲标准58 mm外壳 — 分辨率达14位(16,384 数位/转) — 工业规格重载型外壳 — 电压范围从4.75V到26V
— 标准25尺寸(2.5英寸)外壳 — 分辨率达14位(16,384 数位) — 工业规格重载型外壳 — 电压范围从4.75到26V
美国EPC 858S型编码器
— 标准58 mm 外壳编码器 — 100 ºC温度选择 — IP66 轴封选择 — 80 磅最大转轴径向负载和最大转轴轴向负载 —
每转输出脉冲高达 30,000
美国 EPC-802S型 编码器
— 标准2.0英寸 不锈钢外壳 — 80 磅最大转轴径向负载和最大转轴轴向负载 — 法兰和伺服安装 — 每转输出脉冲高达 30,000 — IP66
— 优秀的性能价格比 — 整流信号可达12极 — 密封等级可达IP64 — 外形小巧,高度不到1英寸(不到25.4 mm),外径仅1.5 英寸(38
Product Descriptions
Encoder Products Company Inc. (EPC) began operations more than 30 years ago
with a small line of custom encoders (the original Cube series!). Today,
more than 30 years later, EPC manufactures the most complete line of
incremental and absolute shaft encoders in the industry, meeting the diverse
needs of a wide range of global customers. EPC has also been responsible for
a large number of "firsts" in the encoder industry, including the first use
of Opto-ASIC technology and the first use of flex electronics, to mention
just two. These innovations have not only been widely imitated, they have
often become industry standards.
All Accu-Coder™ encoders share the following characteristics:
• Best-in-the-Industry 3 Year Warranty
• All products are built to order so you aren't forced to "take it because
its available"
• Competitive Pricing with discounts available for large OEM accounts
• Standard shipping time is 4 to 6 Working Days - Best standard delivery in
the industry
• No expedite charge for 1-Day build and ship on a single unit, most
Incremental Encoders
Incremental Encoders, and, in particular, incremental optical encoders, are
the most popular choice of sensors in applications where mechanical motion
must be processed into digital information. Compared with alternate
technologies (such as resolvers, tachometers, etc.), optical encoders
represent the best combination of accuracy, resolution, reliability,
ruggedness, ease of use, value and variety of solutions in the industry. For
these reasons, optical encoders are the overwhelming choice where speed,
rate, velocity, distance, position, or direction must be accurately and
economically measured. Resolutions up to 30,000 counts per revolution (CPR)
and operating temperatures up to 120° C (248° F) are just some of features.
Iincremental encoders are into three model groups, OEM Models, Shaft Models,
and Bore Models. Each model group has unique physical styles which include
many mounting options, case styles, and useful features.
Absolute Encoders
As with all of EPC's encoders, these absolute encoders represent the best
overall value available. Their simplified design make them ideal,
cost-effective solutions to many problems faced in motion control and in
industrial automation. They are particularly suited for applications where a
device is inactive for long periods of time or moves at a slow rate, such as
flood gate control, telescopes, cranes, valves, etc., and in machine
tooling, printing, paper making and many other industries.
Absolute encoders generate a unique binary "word" output for each resolvable
shaft position so that each shaft position is fully determined. By using
absolute position rather than incremental count data, the shaft position is
always known, even after power interruptions or in the presence of
electrical noise. System design can also be simplified because there is no
need to perform a reference cycle or return to home function to determine
the true machine position.
EPC offers single turn devices with resolutions ranging from 8 bit (256
counts per rev) to 12 bit (4096 counts per rev). You can choose from a
variety of formats, including binary or gray code, and from a variety of
output types. Also available are innovative hollow bore models that extend
the application areas suitable for absolutes.
Linear Encoders
The Linear Cable Encoder (LCE) from Encoder Products Company provides a
rugged, accurate, yet cost effective solution for linear measurements up to
50 inches. The LCE features a highly-tensioned heavy-duty measuring cable
that was designed for high-acceleration and high-cycle demands. The internal
opto-electronics were designed with EPC's state-of-the-art ASIC technology,
which has been proven in our ultra-reliable Rotary Encoder family of
products. The LCE is designed for use in a variety of applications such as
cut-to-length, hydraulic cylinder monitoring, flight testing, automotive
testing, injection molding, metal forming, and gate positioning.
If you already have a Cube Series encoder, our Linear Cable Adaptor (LCA)
can be field installed on most Cube Series Standard and Industrial housings
in a matter of minutes.
Another innovative linear encoder, the Tru-Trac™, integrates an encoder,
measuring wheel and adjustable spring loaded torsion arm into a single,
easy-to-mount, compact unit. Simplifing system design and installation,
saving both time and money. Tru-Trac™ provides accurate measurement of
distance, velocity, or position over a variety of surfaces. The adjustable
spring loaded torsion arm provides flexible wheel pressure adjustments
allowing Tru-Trac™ to be mounted in almost any orientation, even
upside-down. The threaded mounting shaft on the pivot axis is reversible in
the field, making it easy to change your installation location. With a
composite housing that eliminates static build up, measurement speeds of up
to 3,000 feet per minute, and a wide variety of configuration options,
Tru-Trac™ is the perfect solution for countless applications.
Stainless Encoders
Harsh factory and plant floor environments often call for a little something
extra in an encoder. Moisture and chemicals can corrode components,
resulting in loss of operation. EPC's Stainless Steel Series Accu-Coder™
Brand Encoders provide the extra protection you need for your harsh
environment by housing the encoder in quality 316 stainless steel. As with
every Accu-Coder™ the Stainless Steel Series is manufactured to exacting
standards, ensuring you of the quality you've come to expect from Encoder
Products Company.
EPC understands that Accessories are often the difference between an
installation that goes smoothly and one that doesn't. For that reason, EPC
offers a wide range of accessories that are designed to not only make your
life easier, they are all also manufactured to EPC's high standards,
insuring years of trouble free service. In addition, they have been tested
with the products they complement, so that you don't have to worry about
proper form, fit, or function.
OEM Custom Products
In addition, EPC has developed many ingenious, unique custom encoders for a
diverse group of corporate customers. Give us a call if you haven't found
what you need in the above, and EPC's design team will see if they can put
together a solution just for you.
EPC (Encoder Products
Company) 编码器产品公司成立于 1969
年,是一家全球性的光电编码器生产商,生产全套的编码器为广大工业用户服务。 EPC
CNC 机器,装配、包装、切割及输送设备,转床和传送带,纺织机器及印刷机,电梯控制和堆料机,数码彩绘机和医疗仪器等等。
EPC 在英国亦有分厂,负责欧洲的生产、销售。 1994 年又开设了其亚洲分部,专门负责亚洲的生产和销售。另外, EPC
在全球有 400 多家代理商为我们的客户们服务。
EPC 曾率先设计出方型编码器为计数器行业所采用。客户包括一些世界 500
强企业、世界最大的计数器生产商及电子产品代理商。以后 EPC 逐步开发了整套高精度的工业型编码器,包括 1.5 英寸
系列、 2.0 英寸 系列、 2.5 英寸 系列、 58 毫米
系列、通轴型、移位型、不锈钢型等增量式和绝对式编码器。美国许多家著名企业如: General Electric 、
Pacific Scientific 、 Glentek 、 Servo Dynamics Co. 、 Boston
Digital 、 U.S.Electric/Emerson 、 Kollmorgen 等等,皆大量应用了 EPC
的编码器。 我司还能为中、小型客户提供优越的服务并以我司快速的交货及可靠的产品品质(保修期
/Warranty 为三年,为同行业中最长之一)为荣。 |