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传感器/变送器/仪表按厂商品牌选用指南按种类分类选用指南按行业应用选用指南 模块模组 隔离采集仪器仪表 |
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霍尔元件/霍尔IC/霍尔传感器 编码器角度传感器总汇磁阻传感器电子指南针 电子罗盘陀螺仪/角速度传感器 磁传感器 加速度传感器 三维数字罗盘 二维数字罗盘 倾角传感器/模块三维电子罗盘 二维电子罗盘 双轴倾角仪 气压/海拔高度计 单轴倾角传感器 多角度测斜仪 电子指南针(二维罗盘)、三维罗盘、海拔高度、倾角等解决方案电子指南针传感器 压力传感器 加速度传感器 倾角传感器 运动表指南针方案 休闲系列指南针方案 车载指南针方案 穆斯林指南针方案 数码类指南针方案 电子罗盘方案
Concerning to sensor
circuits we’ve developed a
variety of
on our own, which are
especially used in our
inclination sensors. This is
why our ICs are particularly
suitable for analyzing test
signals of capacitive
sensors. Therefore, they can
be used easily in any cases
where finest capacitance
variations have to be
detected and where they have
to be transformed into a
proportional analogue
voltage variation. You can
find details to our
CU-converters at the
particular sites to the
corresponding series.
We are even able to measure
several physical values with
only one individual sensor.
For this reason we developed
our combined sensors. The
particularly sturdy housing
of these comes into effect
as well as at our other
sensors. Therefore, they are
predestinated for industrial
However, our
own requirement to our
products goes one step
further: Encoder CircuitsDevices and AppliancesDevices and AppliancesYou as our customer should take the advantage of our interpolation units that they can be toggled straight between the measuring and the processing system. Those systems are based on our interpolation circuits from series GC-IP. You may also receive housing with higher degree of protection for our stand-alone appliances on request. The PC cards which had been developed by our staff are designed as discrete modules to acquire and handle measured data for incremental analogue and digital signals. Furthermore there’s the opportunity for you to link measuring sensors. The cards are available as two- and three-channeled (digital) and four-channeled (digital and analogue) systems respectively. Each of those channels is indeed independently of the others configurable. Stand-alone AppliancesOur interpolation units from series IPE can be conducted at lots of different encoder systems even if they are working with varying measuring principles. All of our appliances have i.a. the following qualities:
PC CardsOur PC cards are available in two different versions: Manuals and Information Sheets:Linecard & Selection Guide: Download
Stand-alone Appliances:
Software:Special Solutions and Accessories
On your demand we integrate
interpolation algorithm as well as
interpolation ICs into your appliances.
That’s why you achieve a higher level of
functionality of your appliances and at
the same time you get our warranty for
workflows going off without a hitch.
Moreover the compatibility will
increase, too.
NEW:USB to SPI ConverterThe „USB to SPI Converter“ unit is used as a stand alone USB interface and power supply for any SPI device such as microcontrollers, sensors or integrated circuits. It is also suitable for interfacing GEMAC mbH integrated circuits, demoboards and user boards. With the USB to SPI Converter software tools it is also possible to apply a stabilized 5.0 volt or 3.3 Volt power supply voltage to the interface and drive SPI device up to 400mA directly from USB port.
电流型倾角传感器 单双轴倾角传感器 高分辨率、高精度 铝制外壳,安装简便 适合工业等不同场合的应用 德国GEMAC倾角传感器适用于起重机、旋挖钻机、高空作业车等重工行业,船舶、太阳能等领域 IS2A10/45P18 ,IS1A10/45/60P18 (可选)
更多产品请看本公司产品专用销售网站:欢迎索取免费详细资料、设计指南和光盘 ;产品凡多,未能尽录,欢迎来电查询。 SSTKJ中国传感器科技信息网:http://www.sensor-ic.com/SSTKJ工控安防网:http://www.pc-ps.net/ SSTKJ电子 元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/SSTKJ微波光电产品网:HTTP://www.rfoe.net/ SSTKJ消费电子产品网://www.icasic.com/ SSTKJ实业科技产品网://www.sunstars.cn/传感器销售热线: 地址:深圳市福田区福华路福庆街鸿图大厦9732室 电话:0755-83376489 83376549 83607652 83370250 83370251 83376549 传真:0755-83376182 (0)13902971329 MSN: xjr5@163.com 邮编:518033 E-mail:szss20@163.com QQ: 195847376 深圳赛格展销部:深圳华强北路赛格电子市场9583号 电话:0755-83665529 13823648918 技术支持: 0755-83394033 13501568376 北京分公司:北京海淀区知春路132号中发电子大厦3097号TEL: 13823791822 FAX:010-62543996 上海分公司:上海市北京东路668号賽格电子市场地下一层D25号 TEL: 13823676822 FAX:021-56703037 西安分公司:西安高新开发区20所(中国电子科技集团导航技术研究所) 西安劳动南路88号电子商城二楼D23号 TEL: 18926764199 FAX:029-77678271 |