Germanium Short Form Catalog in PDF Format
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J16 Series detectors are high-quality
Germanium photodiodes designed for the 800 to 1800nm wavelength range.
For applications where temperature stability of response is important
near the cutoff, thermoelectrically cooled detectors are available.
A Ge photodiode generates a current across the p-n or
p-i-n junction when photons of sufficient energy are absorbed within the
active region. The responsivity (Amps/Watt) is a function of wavelength
and detector temperature (Fig. 3). Temperature changes have little
effect on the detector responsivity at wavelengths below the peak, but
can be important at the longer wavelengths (Figs. 3 and 4).
For example, at 1.2 µm the change in
response of a room temperature detector is less than 0.1% per °C, while
at 1.7 µm the change is approximately 1.5% per °C (Fig. 4). Uniformity
of response within the active region of a room-temperature Ge detector
is typically better than ± 1% at 1300 nm.
Operating Circuit
The recommended operating circuit for most applications is an
operational amplifier in a negative-feedback transimpedance
configuration (Fig. 5). The feedback circuit converts the detector
output current to a voltage, while the op-amp maintains the detector
near zero-volt bias for lowest noise (see "Shunt Resistance and Dark
Selection of the proper op-amp is important, as the
wrong choice can add excess preamp noise or limit system bandwidth.
Judson has a complete line of preamps designed to match each detector
type and application. Preamp recommendations are included with the
detector specifications. For high frequency applications, the detector
may be reverse biased and terminated into a low impedance load (Fig. 6).
Reverse biasing the detector significantly reduces junction capacitance
for faster pulse response; however, the dark currents and low-frequency
noise are increased.

Figure 7
Optical Power Meters
Fiber Testing
Laser Diode Control
Optical Communications
Temperature Sensors
Shunt Resistance and Dark Current: When the detector
is used in the basic circuit of Figure 5, an undesirable DC offset
current, or "dark current," will be produced. It is a function of the
preamp input bias current Ib, the preamp input offset voltage Vos, and
the detector shunt resistance RD. This total "dark current" is: Total ID
= Ib + (Vos / RD)
High shunt resistance detectors will result in lowest
overall DC "dark current." Preamp selection is also important; for
higher shunt impedance detectors, choose a preamp with low bias current;
for lower shunt impedance detectors, choose a preamp with low offset
voltage (Fig. 7). When the detector is reverse biased and used in the
high-speed circuit of Figure 6, the predominant dark current is a
function of the applied bias voltage (Fig. 8).
Device Selection
Two key factors to consider when selecting a Judson Ge
detector are
detector operating temperature and detector active area.
1. Detector Temperature: Cooling the detector reduces
dark current and increases the shunt resistance RD (Fig. 9). Shunt
resistance data at 25°C is listed on the specification table. The data
can be applied to Figure 9 to estimate RD for detector temperatures from
-40 to +60°C.
2. Active Area: Larger active areas have lower shunt
resistance RD (Fig. 10), and therefore higher dark currents. When low
noise is critical, the smallest detector acceptable for the application
should be selected. Focusing optics may be added for increased light
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Note: For linearity to ~100mW, use the
8ND package with 20x neutral density filter in cap.
Ge photodiode responsivity in A/W (current output per
input optical power) is extremely linear with low input power levels.
Response linearity is ultimately limited at high input power levels by
photodiode series resistance, RS, depicted in Figure 1. Large amounts of
output signal current IS can significantly forward bias the photodiode
junction resulting in nonlinear output response.
Response linearity to well within ±0.04dB (±1%) is
maintained with input power levels up to 15dBm at 1550nm. Power levels
in excess of 15dBm result in nonlinearities as depicted in Figure 11.
Both absorptive and reflective attenuation filters are available for
increased high power linearity. Different levels of attenuation are
available to meet any high power application.
Exceptional response uniformity is realized over the
entire active area of the J16 Series Ge detectors. Typical spot scan
data indicates 1300nm uniformity of response to within 1% over the
entire active area.
Room Temperature Ge Detectors: J16 Series room
temperature Germanium detectors are designed for operation under ambient
conditions to +60°C. Judson's Germanium photodiodes have high
responsivity, good linearity, fast response times, uniform response and
excellent long-term stability. Please review the detailed operating
information above for assistance in selecting the proper detector for
your application.
Parameter |
Min |
Typ |
Max |
Units |
Responsivity at 25°C |
(@ 1550nm) |
.80 |
.90 |
A/W |
(@ 1300nm) |
.60 |
.65 |
A/W |
(@ 850nm) |
.20 |
.30 |
A/W |
Uniformity of
Response |
over Area
(25°C) |
±1 |
% |
Storage Temperature |
-55 |
+80 |
°C |
Operating Temperature |
-55 |
+80 |
°C |
Responsivity Calibration
J16 Series Ge detectors are 100% tested for minimum
responsivity at 1300nm. For an additional fee, Judson will calibrate
response vs. wavelength from 800 to 1800 nm (for detector size 2mm and
larger only).
Device Options
Judson offers three unique Ge device options for
optimum performance in different applications (Fig. 14). The "-SC"
device is a p-n diode, ideal for low frequency applications and
DC-average power meters. It offers the highest shunt resistance
available in a Ge photodiode, resulting in the lowest DC drifts.
However, its higher capacitance and low reverse bias limit make it less
suitable for operation above ~1 KHz (depending on active size). The
"-HS" option has a p-i-n structure for extremely low capacitance and
excellent speed of response, with RD and noise similar to the standard
device. This option is ideal for pulsed laser diode monitoring and
general use above ~10 KHz. The standard device (no option) offers
excellent performance for general use in applications from ~100Hz to
Recommended preamps are the Judson model PA-6 for
detectors with RD less than 50Kohms, and the PA-7 for detectors with RD
greater than 50 Kohms (Fig. 7). Preamps are sold separately.
Germanium Short Form Catalog in PDF Format
Packages for Ge Detectors (all
dimensions in inches)
Click for more Germanium information.
Click for Germanium reliability information.
Parallel Output Ge Arrays

Standard packaging and element configurations result
in low cost and quick delivery for Judson's high-quality photodiode
arrays. The 4, 16 and 32 element arrays respond to infrared radiation
from 500nm to 5.0µm depending on material type. The
photodiode arrays come mounted in a dual inline package with or without
a thermoelectric cooler or in a TO-66 package with three stage
thermoelectric cooling where higher cooling performance is needed for
thermal imaging applications. Judson's NIR arrays have a parallel output
format with common substrate and one pinout for each element. This
format allows for independent readings from each channel.
A separate transimpedance op-amp circuit is
recommended for each channel. The Judson Model PA-7:4C, PA-7:16C and
PA-7:32C preamps are convenient 4, 16 and 32 channel modules with
receptacles for the array package. Transimpedance gain
is specified by the user. Heat sink modules are available for detector
arrays with thermoelectric coolers.
- Clinical Analyzers
- Near-IR Spectroscopy for Analysis of:
Blood Samples
Agricultural Products
- Fiber Optics:
Far-Field Laser Diode
Pattern Analysis
Infrared Fiber Testing
Package: J16P Series arrays are mounted in the Judson
"40P" package, a 40 pin, dual-in-line package with glass window (Fig.
15). Pins 1 and 21 are connected to the common substrate. Elements of
the 16-element array are connected to pins 23-38. The 32-element array
is mounted with odd-numbered elements connected to pins 3-18 and
even-numbered elements connected to pins 23-38. The gap between elements
is 0.01mm.

Figure 15
Click here to view the J16P Series
J16Si Dual Wavelength "Sandwich"

Two color detectors consist of a high performance
silicon detector mounted in a "sandwich" configuration over another
detector. The silicon photodiode responds to radiation from 400 nm to
1000 nm. Longer wavelengths pass through the silicon and are detected by
the detector underneath. J16Si Series detectors are ideal for optic
power measurements that need to differentiate between 800 nm and either
1300 nm or 1550 nm. They are also useful for two-color temperature
measurements. The J14SI Series are used when the temperature measurement
range needs to be expanded.
- Dual-Wavelength Power Meters
- Wavelength Demultiplexers
- Pyrometers
Detector Temperature Ranges
J16Si: 500C to 2000C
J14Si: 22C to 2000C

Figure 16
Click here to view the J16Si Series

Figure 17
Dual-Wavelength Power Meter Application
Figure 18
Figure 19
Two-Color Temperature Sensor
Click for more information on Si/Ge sandwich detectors.
J16TE Thermoelectrically Cooled Ge Detectors
J16TE Series detectors are Judson's high-quality Ge
photodiodes mounted on thermoelectric coolers for reduced dark current,
improved sensitivity and superior stability. The TE coolers require less
than 3W of DC power. The built-in thermistor can be used to monitor or
control the detector temperature. J16TE Series detectors are mounted in
TO-style packages which are filled with dry nitrogen and hermetically
J16TE1 Series One-Stage
Thermoelectrically Cooled Ge
J16TE1 Series detectors are Judson's large-area Germanium detectors
packaged on one-stage thermoelectric coolers. Active diameters of 10mm
and 13mm allow maximum light collection. The low-cost cooler can be used
at -10°C for reduced dark currents, or at higher temperatures for
improved stability of response in elevated or variable ambient
J16TE2 Series Two-Stage
Thermoelectrically Cooled Ge
J16TE2 Series detectors are Ge photodiodes on high-performance two-stage
coolers. DC offset current and dark current are significantly reduced at
the -30°C operating temperature. These low offsets and dark currents
make J16TE2 Series detectors ideal for ultrasensitive fiber optic power
meters. They offer accurate measurements of optical power levels as low
as -80dBm (10pW) in the DC mode and -90dBm (1pW) with an optical chopper
and lock-in amplifier.
Figure 20
DC Offset Current vs Temp (near 0V bias)
Figure 21
Dark Current vs Temperature
Cooler Operation
The figures below show typical TE1 and TE2 cooler power requirements. A
simple convection heat sink is required for maximum cooling.
Figure 22
Detector Temp. vs TE1 Cooler Current
Figure 23
Detector Temp. vs TE2 Cooler Current
The following figure shows the effect of
heat sink temperature on J16TE2 detector temperature.

Figure 24
The PA-7 preamplifier offers DC stability, low noise, adjustable gain
and wide bandwidth (DC to 50KHz). The PA-9 fixed-gain preamplifier
offers lowest noise at higher frequencies (1KHz to 100KHz). At high
frequencies, the detector capacitance and preamp voltage noise
contribute significantly to the system noise. (See figure 25.)

Figure 25
Click here to view the J16TE Series
J16A Ge Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs)
The J16A Series Germanium Avalanche Photodiodes are
designed for high-speed applications at 800 and 1300nm. Judson APDs
offer low dark currents and bandwidths up to 1.5GHz with active sizes of
100µm and 300µm diameter. The J16A Series APDs have undergone extensive
reliability testing. Reliability has been demonstrated to be better than
10 FITs corresponding to less than 1% failure rate over 20 years
service. Reliability data available upon request.
- Local area networks
- Transmission systems
Multiplication Characteristics
An internal gain mechanism makes the J16A the solid state counterpart of
the photomultiplier tube. This internal gain is known as the
Multiplication Factor (M) and is a function of the reverse bias voltage
VR applied to the diode. (See Fig. 26.)
Breakdown Voltage and Dark
The avalanche breakdown voltage VB is the reverse bias voltage at which
the diode's dark current becomes infinite. In practice, the dark current
used to define breakdown voltage is 100µA. (See Fig. 27.)
Cutoff Frequency
The cutoff frequency fc is the frequency at which the output signal
power is down by 3dB. In the high multiplication region, the product of
M and bandwidth becomes a constant, called the gain-bandwidth product,
and cutoff frequency decreases with increasing M. (See Fig. 28.)

Figure 28
Click for more Ge APD information.
Click for further information on Germanium APDs.
Click here to view the J16A Series
J16D Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Germanium Detectors
The J16D Series Ge detectors offer the ultimate
sensitivity for 800 to 1400 nm detection. Cooling the Ge photodiode to
77°K results in extremely high shunt impedance for Noise Equivalent
Power (NEP) typically below 0.01 pW/Hz1/2.
- Fiber Testing
- NIR Spectroscopy
Dewar Packages
J16D detectors are packaged in glass or metal dewars with sapphire
windows. J16D detectors have extremely high shunt impedance RD and
therefore very low intrinsic noise. When used in environments where
vibration is present, the microphonic noise from the dewar leads may
dominate the detector noise. Under these conditions, a glass dewar is
recommended, as the leads are imbedded in the glass and immune to
vibrations. Care must be taken with external connections to avoid noise
from vibrations outside the dewar. Metal dewars are suitable for other
applications and can be periodically re-evacuated.
Preamplifiers and System Noise
Optimum J16D detector performance is achieved with Judson transimpedance
gain preamplifiers. The PA-9 or PA-7 preamplifier converts the detector
output current to a voltage, while maintaining the detector at the
optimum zero volt bias. The PA-9 fixed-gain preamp is specifically
matched to each detector to provide maximum sensitivity, gain and
bandwidth. The PA-7 preamp offers adjustable gain and is suitable for DC
and low-frequency applications. At high frequencies, the detector
capacitance and preamp voltage noise contribute significantly to the
system noise.
Figure 29
J16 Detectivity vs Wavelength
Figure 30
J16D Noise Equivalent Power vs Frequency
Click here to view the J16D Series Typical Specifications at 77K |