Products Semiconductor,Interconnect,Passive & Electromechanical Introduction The Avnet Electronics Marketing team brings industry-recognized expertise to your electronic component needs. Our specialized divisions give you the best of both worlds - the market expertise and technical skills of a specialist and the global design and supply chain services of one of the largest distributors in the world. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is demonstrated through our targeted services, highly motivated and technically competent people, and a knack at building and maintaining long-term relationships. We offer proven excellence in on-time delivery, an extensive list of financial and logistical services, and a wide spectrum of design and supply chain management services. We are strongly committed to being one of your most trusted partners. The focus of our specialized divisions gives them deep product and supply chain knowledge which translates into faster time to market through a high value relationship. And it keeps getting better... I invite you to learn more about how Avnet can provide you with Support Across The Board. |
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