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LED Lighting Item Description TTP932 TTP932 is a high efficiency , constant current , continuous mode inductive step-down converter, designed for driving constant current to high power (single or multiple) LED with only 4 external components. TTP931 The TTP931 is comprised of high accuracy constant current drivers designed for LED displays . TTP931 contains a serial buffer and 16 bit shift register , 16 bit latch which convert serial input data to parallel output . The output current value can be adjusted from 5mA to 90mA using an external resistor . All outputs will have virtually the same current levels. TTP938 The TTP938 is an open loop, current mode control LED driver IC. It can be programmed to operate in either a constant frequency or constant off-time mode. Features: 1.Switch mode controller for single switch LED drivers 2.Open loop peak current controller 3.Internal 12V~600V linear regulator 4.Constant frequency or constant off-time operation 5.Linear and PWM dimming capability 6.Requires few external components for operation LED Series Item Description TTP112M(chinese) TTP112M 是一款 LED 照明觸摸連續調光控制集成電路. 由 PWM 輸出控制 NMOS 達到調光功能. PWM 佔空比調整範圍由 3% ~98%. 具有高頻率的 PWM輸出 TTP111(english) The TTP111 is a touch detector IC for the DC LED lightings with NMOS application. The dimmer function controls by PWM output. It has high frequency for PWM output. TTP112M(english) The TTP112M is a continuous touch detector IC for the DC LED lightings. The dimmer function controls by PWM output. TTP111(chinese) TTP111是一款DC LED照明设备触摸控制集成电路, 由PWM输出控制NMOS达到调光功能,具有高频率的PWM输出。 節能燈泡(省電燈泡) Item Description TTP115M(chinese) TTP115M 是為電子式省電燈泡所設計的觸摸調光控制 IC, 由 PWM 控制 NMOS 做調光. TTP115M(english) The TTP115M is a touch detector IC for the Energy saver lamp lightings. The dimmer function controls by PWM output with NMOS. Thermometer Series Item Description TT2655 Clinical thermometer, Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F), with fast measurement function TT7466A Clinical thermometer, Resolution: 0.01°C (0.01°F) TC8492A Clinical thermometer, Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F) TTY441 Meteorogragh for temperature and humidity display TT5660A Clinical thermometer, Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F), with buzzer multi-frequency selection, LVD built-in resistor PIR Item Description TTY472(chinese) PIR control IC, provide TRIAC and RELAY output TTY472(english) PIR control IC, provide TRIAC and RELAY output PIR0001 8PIN包裝,內建LDO,延遲時間為固定16秒,含CDS偵測,輸出方式為PWM。 PIR0002 8PIN包裝,延遲時間3-110秒可調,含CDS偵測,輸出方式為HI/LOW。 PIR0003 8PIN包裝,含內建LDO,延遲時間為3-110秒可調,輸出方式為HI/LOW。 PIR0004 8PIN包裝,內建含LDO,延遲時間為3-110秒可調,輸出方式為PWM。 IR Remote Series Item Description TT2653 IR encoder, compatible with LC7461M TT1589B(TT6221/TT6222)(english) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TT1589B(TT6221/TT6222)(chinese_Simplified) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TT1589B(TT6221/TT6222)(chinese_Traditional) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TTP007(TT6221/TT6222)(chinese_Simplified) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TTP007(TT6221/TT6222)(chinese_Traditional) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221 TTP007(TT6221/TT6222)(english) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TTP6122-01A IR encoder, 16 pin sop consists 66 keys, can option 12 custom codes, default custom code: 1DCC TTP6122-02A IR encoder, 16 pin sop consists 66 keys, can option 12 custom codes, compatible with 6222/6221 TTP005(english) IR encoder, single pin oscillator, save two oscillating capacitances ,offer 12 customer code selection and total 66 data keys 16 pin sop package type . It can change custom code /data code and any formate by customer’s ASIC. TTP005(chinese) IR encoder, single pin oscillator, save two oscillating capacitances ,offer 12 customer code selection and total 66 data keys 16 pin sop package type . It can change custom code /data code and any formate by customer’s ASIC. TTU010B IR encoder. All protocol are available by mask option. The Carrier frequency、bit format and sequential output can be programmable to meet the need of customer. TTU010C IR encoder with build-in transistor. All protocol are available by mask option. The Carrier frequency、bit format and sequential output can be programmable to meet the need of customer. TTP011(english) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TTP011(chinese_Simplified) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. TTP011(chinese_Traditional) IR encoder, compatible with 6222/6221. |
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