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InGaAsP Light Emitting Diodes
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Part # Application Total Ouput Power mW Typ Coupled Power 62.5/125 Fiber µW Min Peak Wavelength nm Typ Spectral Width nm Typ Rise/Fall ns Typ
13LED20M-ST 1300nm Surface Emitting LED in TO-46 Package 1 20 1300 ± 40 120 6-7
13LED20M-TO 1300nm Surface Emitting LED in TO-46 Package 1 20 1300 ± 40 120 6-7
15LED20M-ST 1550nm Surface Emitting LED Active Device Mount 1 20 1550 ± 40 120 6-7
15LED20M-TO 1550nm Surface Emitting LED in TO-46 Package 1 20 1550 ± 40 120 6-7