





















Filter Products by Category: 

Please click on the filter types below to view the filter selection table of interest.


Filter Type

Filter Characteristics

Relative Price

Typical Delivery


Good general bandpass filter for DC to 8.0GHz operation.  Small to moderate size with moderate insertion loss.

Low 4 to 6 Weeks

Good general purpose filter for  frequencies from 500MHz to 26.5GHz..  Size is dependant on frequency.  Moderate to low insertion loss.

Combline: Bandwidths from 1 to 40%

Interdigital: Bandwidths from 25 to 70%

Moderate 4 to 6 weeks

Best suited for narrow band filters having 0.5 to 5% bandwidths.  Very low insertion loss.  Operating frequency is 30MHz to 18.0GHz

Moderate 4 to 6 weeks

Best suited for moderate band to broadband filters having bandwidths from 25 to 500%.  Ultra-low insertion loss and high power capability.  Operating frequency is 500MHz to 26.5GHz 

High 8 to 12 weeks

Most filter topologies can be integrated into a switchable module.  Any number of channel can be offered.  Custom designs are available.  Operating frequency is DC to 26.5GHz.


Depends on specifications.

8 to 12 weeks



Used to reject or attenuate undesired frequencies.  Various topologies are available including suspended substrate.  Ultra-broadband performance is available.  Broadband notch with ultra-broadband passband performance is available.

Moderate to High 4 to 6 weeks

Various topologies are available.  Media to include microstrip, stripline, suspended substrate, and lumped element.  Insertion loss is moderate to low.  2 Pole to 14 Pole response is available.

Low to Moderate

4 to 6 weeks


Various topologies are available.  Media to include microstrip, stripline, suspended substrate, and lumped element.  Insertion loss is moderate to low.  2 Pole to 14 Pole response is available. Moderate 4 to 6 weeks

Various types are available.  Contact the factory for additional information.  We build to your specifications.

Moderate 6 to 8 weeks

Planar Electronics Technology, Inc. (PET) offers all types of amplifiers, sub-systems, and systems.  Please click on the link to the left to review the web site.

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