RF Digital Step Attenuators (Monolithic) - 50 Ω

Peregrine's highly linear, monolithic RF DSA family offers a selection of resolutions, minimum attenuation step sizes and termination impedances. Its UltraCMOS™ foundation allows for a unique initial attenuation state at power-up and a standard programming sequence and footprint across the 5 and 6 bit family. The DSA line provides industry-leading linearity over frequency and temperature, a versatile parallel or serial CMOS control interface, and operates on a single 3-volt supply, making it ideal for applications such as wireless base station, fixed wireless, microwave, VSAT, broadband telecom, military, space, test instrumentation, and optical equipment.

View our Digital Step Attenuators Product Overview.
RoHS Compliant Indicates RoHS compliance. Click to view the materials
     declaration form for each product.

RF Digital Step Attenuators (Monolithic) - 50 Ω
Part Number Product Description Attenuation (dB) Programming Mode Insertion Loss
Input IP3
Accuracy (1GHz)
Switching Speed
RoHS CompliantPE4302 6-bit, 50 Ω 31.5 range/ 0.5 steps Parallel, Serial, Direct 1.5 52 +/-(0.10+3% of setting) 1 20L 4x4 QFN  
RoHS CompliantPE4305 5-bit, 50 Ω 15.5 range/ 0.5 steps Parallel, Serial, Direct 1.5 52 +/-(0.25+3% of setting) 1 20L 4x4 QFN  
RoHS CompliantPE4306 5-bit, 50 Ω 31 range/ 1.0 steps Parallel, Serial, Direct 1.5 52 +/-(0.30+3% of setting) 1 20L 4x4 QFN  
Note: Operating Frequency = DC-4000 MHz

See also our 75-ohm DSAs for Broadband Applications.

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Changing How You Design RF. Forever.

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