[ General Index ]
new Ordering Information
  Quality Assurance System
  Recommended Mounting Method
  Recommended Solder Pads
  Absolute Maximum Ratings

new Package Systems
new Package Line-up
new Package Characteristics
  Package Code Table
  Typical Symbols in Package Outline Dimensions
  Package Dimensions
  Standard Mark Layout

new Packing Specification Table
  Packing Illustration
  Plastic Tube Dimensions
  Taping Dimensions
  Tray Dimensions
  TCP Dimensions

  This Page consists of Introduction (Ordering Information, Quality Assurance System, Recommended Mounting Method), Package Outline and Packing Specification of semiconductor products (Bipolar IC, C-MOS IC, Bi-CMOS IC, GaAs MMIC, OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES).
  For Recommended Mounting Method, Package Outline and Packing Specification of OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES, please refer to datasheets.

[ General Index ]
New Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.