Technical Glossary - F

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J,K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U,V | W,X,Y,Z | Spec. Char., Number |

(See "femto" and "frequency")

The inability of a component or device to perform its intended function as specified by the manufacturer.

Failure Analysis
A rigorous investigation of the fundamental causes of a failure.

Failure Criteria
A specific description of a condition or characteristic of a device that precludes the device from performing its intended function as specified by the manufacturer

Failure Mechanism
(See "Failure Mode")

Failure Mode
The manner in which a failure occurs

Failure Rate
The mean proportion of failures per unit time, normally expressed in per cent per thousand hours of operation.

The unit of capacitance, abbreviated as "F", equal to 1 coulomb per volt.

Fiber Distributed Digital Interface

A portion of the output signal of a device or system which is applied to the input of the system.

Feedback Loop
The portion of a circuit whose purpose is to sample the output of a system or component, process the sample and apply the processed sample to the input of the system or component. Feedback loops are employed to either provide control or correction to a circuit, or in the case of an oscillator, to permit oscillation to occur.

Feedback Path
(See "feedback loop")

A prefix that stands indicates a factor of 10-15, abbreviated as "f".

(See "field effect transistor")

Fiber Optics
Of or pertaining to the transmission of light transparent fiber or fibers.

Field Effect Transistor
A three or more terminal transistor that consists of a channel and gate(s). At one end of the channel there is an electrode called the source, into which majority carriers flow from an external circuit. At the other end of the channel there is an electrode, called the drain, out of which electrons flow into the external circuit. Application of a voltage between the third terminal, known as the gate, and the source, establishes an electric field in the channel that changes the resistance between the source and drain, thereby changing the current that flows through the channel. In some FET's, there is another gate terminal which is independent of the first gate terminal.

A circuit that is designed to propagate signals of a desired frequency or frequency interval and to reject all other signals.

Fine Leak Test
A test performed on packaged semiconductors to determine the hermeticity of the package. Devices are immersed, under high pressure, in gaseous helium (He). They are placed in a vacuum chamber designed to detect the presence and amount of He. Packaged devices that have leak rates on the order of 10-8 cc/atm/sec or less are considered to be hermetic.

The variation in attenuation or gain at a given bias level over the frequency band of interest.

(See "Frequency Modulation")

Forward Bias
Bias voltage applied to a semiconductor PN junction in the direction that causes electrons to flow from the n-type (cathode) to the p-type (anode) regions.

Filtered quadrature phase shift key modulation.

The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon per unit time. In electronics, we refer to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) and alternating electrical current, which are periodic phenomena. The unit of frequency is the Hertz, abbreviated as "Hz." Formerly, the unit of frequency was known as cycles per second, abbreviated as "cps."

Frequency Band
Frequency range over which the performance or characteristics of a circuit, device or component are described or specified.

Frequency Conversion
The translation of a signal from one frequency to another.

Frequency Converter (or simply, Converter)
A device or circuit that performs frequency conversion, such as a mixer.

Frequency Modulation
the modification of the frequency of a higher frequency, constant magnitude carrier signal controlled by the amplitude and phase of a lower frequency baseband or audio signal.

Frequency Multiplication
The increase in frequency of a signal by an integral factor.

Frequency Response
The amplitude of the transfer response of a circuit or device plotted against the frequency interval over which the response occurs.

Frequency shift key modulation.

Fundamental Frequency
The primary, lowest frequency component of a wave.