Technical Glossary - H

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J,K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U,V | W,X,Y,Z | Spec. Char., Number |

h Parameters
The set of parameters for a two port device that relates the input voltage and current to the output current and voltage.

Harmonic Content
The degree of distortion in a signal due to the presence of harmonics.

(See "harmonics")

Energy at integral multiples of the frequency of the fundamental signal. Normally expressed as THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) but can be specified for harmonics of interest in either a percentage of or decibels below the power level of the fundamental frequency signal.

Heat Sink
A structure that is mechanically attached to a device that generates heat, in order to lower the overall thermal impedance between the point source of the heat within the device and its cooler surroundings.

A prefix that indicates a factor 102, abbreviated as "h".

Permanently sealed to the extent that transmission of gases and liquids is reduced or eliminated.

The extent to which a seal is hermetic.

The unit of frequency, formerly known as "cycles per second," abbreviated as "Hz."

Hertz, Heinrich, 1857-1894
German physicist best known for demonstrating the propagation of radio waves through free space as predicted my Maxwell's equations.

Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
A microwave integrated circuit that consists of silicon and glass, typically known as an "HMIC"." This technology was invented and patented by M/A-COM. An HMIC consists of pedestals of Si embedded in glass. The Si pedestals may act as conductive vias from the top of the die to the bottom of the die, or there may be diodes formed at the tops of the pedestals. Conductor can be deposited on top of the glass to form transmission lines or lumped elements, such as spiral inductors, baluns or MIM capacitors.

High Pass Filter
A reactive circuit that rejects signals whose frequencies are below the 3 dB point frequency and passes signals whose frequencies are above the 3 dB point frequency.

Hi-Rel Screening
Regimen of testing intended to induce latent infant mortality failures in a semiconductor lot in order to insure that the surviving devices will operate as predicted by mean-time-before-failure for the device type.

(see "Heterolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit"")

The term used to describe the conceptual positive charge carrier. A hole is actually a vacancy in the valance band of an otherwise electrically neutral atom, thereby resulting in a positive ion. The charge of a single hole is (+)1.6 * 10-19 coulombs.

(See "high pass filter")

(See "Hertz")