Technical Glossary - N

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J,K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U,V | W,X,Y,Z | Spec. Char., Number |

A prefix that indicates a factor 10-9 (one billionth), abbreviated as "n."

One-billionth of a second, typically abbreviated as "ns."

Narrow Band
A vaguely defined term to indicate bandwidth less than approximately one-third of an octave (1/3 of the center frequency).

Network Analysis
The derivation of a network's electrical characteristics (input and output impedance, forward and reverse transfer characteristics, transient response, etc.) through its configuration, component values and response to driving signals.

Random, typically unwanted energy or electrical variations.

Noise Figure
The ratio of the input signal to noise ratio to the output signal to noise ratio for a circuit or system, expressed in decibels. The noise figure of a receiver determines the minimum detectable signal amplitude.

Noise Floor
The level of signal below which a receiver cannot detect a signal due to the noise generated within the receiver.

Non-Harmonic Signals
Spurious signals produced by a circuit, the frequencies of which are not integral multiples of any signals either produced or processed by the circuit.

An impedance that does not linear relationship with voltage and current. The deviation of any parameter from a linear relationship with another.

Non-recurring Engineering
Engineering activity that is required to design, develop or enhance a product but is not required for the production of an existing product.

NPN Transistor
A bipolar transistor with an n-type emitter, a p-type base and an n-type collector.

(See "non-recurring engineering")

N-type Material
A semiconductor material to which a donor dopant has been added, resulting in net negative charge