to the fact that it is only composed of semiconductor parts,
it is superior in regards to oscillation resistance.
High-speed access
random access (Sustained)
low power consumption
when in motion: 0.75W
when stopped: 0.02W
caution: Although it has the same dimensions as the PC-ATA card, it does
not support notebook PC (PCMCIA interface) cards.
IDE Card High-speed Access (Reference Data)
IDE card's CPU efficiency is good!
For example, with a writing speed of 2MB/second, you are able to write the
data contained in a 10MB file in 5 seconds.
- CPU load-
CPU occupancy time for DMA
A= 5 seconds x 10% = 0.5 seconds
(B-A) = 4.0 seconds (80% decrease)
For PIO B = 5 seconds x 90% = 4.5 seconds
For enquiries
regarding semiconductor disk drives compatible to standard IDE interface, incorporating
Renesas AND flash memory, which conforms to ATA-5 standards, please contact