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EnviteC (安维特) OOM102-1氧电池 (氧浓度传感器),原密封包装。
主要特点:兼容国内外多种品牌麻醉呼吸设备氧传感器。主要兼容型号:MSA梅思安406931、HUDSON 5567、Teledyne R17、MAX-13 、MOX-2等
5567、Teledyne R17、CityTechnologies城市技术MOX-2、Maxtec迈克思泰克MAX-13、Puritan
cell/6400 Vent./8400 Vent./VIP Vent./Sentry、Respironics、Sensidyne、SensorTech、Spacelabs、BCI、Teledyne、Ventrex、VTI、BMD、Alphamed、Pacifitech、Analytical
兼容:Airshields 6735142;Analytical industries PSR-11-917-J;BMD Bio Med Devices M-10,M-2 10006;Bird Products (VIASYS) 6400 Vent,8400 Vent,VIP Vent;Catalyst Research MSA MiniOX I,II,III & 3000 406931;City Technology MOX-2;Dameca Alpha Med 42035-46;Datex-Engstrom Erica / Elvira;Hudson 5567;IT-Gambert M-03;Maxtec MAX-13;Puritan Bennett 7280 Monitor / 7200 Ventilator 4-020933-00;Sensor Tec ST-11;Stephan Artec;Taema YR010100;Teledyne R17 MED;……
The electrical circuit is completed by an
external resistor in series with a thermistor, for
temperature compensation. The current is
proportional to the oxygen concentration.
General Specifications: Medical Oxygen Sensors
全新德国原装: EnviteC (安维特) OOM102-1氧电池
R17、MAX-13 、MOX-2等3.5mm插头,可以使用在国内外多数医疗设备的的氧浓度检测方面的维修替换。兼容传感器品牌:MSA梅思安406931、HUDSON
cell/6400 Vent./8400 Vent./VIP Vent./Sentry、Respironics、Sensidyne、SensorTech、Spacelabs、BCI、Teledyne、Ventrex、VTI、BMD、Alphamed、Pacifitech、Analytical
兼容:Airshields 6735142;Analytical industries PSR-11-917-J;BMD Bio Med Devices M-10,M-2 10006;Bird Products (VIASYS) 6400 Vent,8400 Vent,VIP Vent;Catalyst Research MSA MiniOX I,II,III & 3000 406931;City Technology MOX-2;Dameca Alpha Med 42035-46;Datex-Engstrom Erica / Elvira;Hudson 5567;IT-Gambert M-03;Maxtec MAX-13;Puritan Bennett 7280 Monitor / 7200 Ventilator 4-020933-00;Sensor Tec ST-11;Stephan Artec;Taema YR010100;Teledyne R17 MED;…… MICRO-FUEL CELL SENSOR ACUTRONIC OOM102-1 The oxygen sensor has a lead anode, gold cathode and uses an acid electrolyte. The oxygen diffuses through a non-porous PTFE membrane into the cell and is reduced at the cathode. Lead Oxide, formed at the anode, dissolves in the electrolyte.The electrical circuit is completed by an external resistor in series with a thermistor, for temperature compensation. The current is proportional to the oxygen concentration. The voltage across the external resistor is amplified by a high impedance instrumentation amplifier and then measured by MiniOxy and displayed as an oxygen concentration.The life time of the cell is determined by the time it takes to saturate the electrolyte with lead oxide. This sensor OOM102-1 has a lifetime of 1.000,000 % O2 hours (approximately more then 2 years at ambient oxygen concentration). It is then simple and cheap to replace. How to Measuring Oxygen Purity with a Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor by Mohammad Razaq, Advanced Instruments Inc.Read here. Specifications: output signal in air 9mV – 13mV (temperature compensated) response time < 13 sec nominal lifetime > 1 000 000 % O2 hours meet DIN EN 12598 and ISO 7767 designed and manufactured according to EN ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485 accurate and reliable response excellent repeatibility and signal stability resistant to N2O highest product quality short lead times OXYGEN SENSOR DATA SHEET Manufacturer:ACUTRONIC Medical Systems AG Haldenstrasse 3, Entry B3 / 1st Floor P.O.Box 2082, CH-6342 Baar, SwitzerlandGeneral Specifications: Medical Oxygen Sensors ModelOOM102-1 All specifications are applicable at standard conditions: 1013 hPa, 25°C dry ambient air. Measurement Range 0 % to 100 % Oxygen Zero Offset < 0.5 % O2 in 100 % 2, applied for 5 min. Accuracy and Repeatability < 1% vol. O2, when calibrated at 100 % O2 Linearity Error < 3 % relative Drift < 1% % O2 over 8 hours Interference < 0.5 % O2response to 10 % CO2 balance N2 80 % N2O balance N2 7.5 % Halothane balance N2 7 5 % Isoflurane balance N2 7.5 % Enflurane balance N2 9 % Sevoflurane balance N2 20 % Desflurane balance N2 Influence of Humidity -0.03 % relative per % RH at 25°C Influence of Pressure Proportional to change in Oxygen partial pressure Influence of Mechanical Shock < 1% relative after a fall from 1m Operating Temperature 0 °C to +50°C Temperature Compensation Yes Effect of Temperature - Compensation (steady state) between +25 °C and +40 °C: 3% relative error between 0 °C and +50 °C: 8% error Operation Humidity 0 % RH to 99 % RH (condensing atmosphere over several hours) Storage Temperature -20 °C to +60 °C Recommended Storage in the Container at +5 °C to +15°C Recommended Load > 10 kOhms Weight Approximately 28 grams 本价格不含税,需要开发票者需另加5%税款(普票)。 常见型号代换表:Oxygensensor part nr(定货型号)Output signal in airResponse time T 90% Nominal sensor lifetime Electrical interface 主要兼容品牌/型号/代码 OOM101 46µA-63µAno temperature compensation <12 seconds >500 000 % O2 hours gold plated slip ringsAnalytical Industries PSR-11-915Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 655264Hamilton (夏美顿) HM-10Hudson 5556IT-Gambert M-01Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-1、MAX-01Ohmeda (欧美达) 4700 Oxicap, 5250 RGM, Excel Modulus, 5120 Monitor, 5125 Monitor 0237-2034-700Pacifitech PT-10Sensor Tec ST-10Teledyne R15 OOM102 9mV-14mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hours3 pin Molex connector Analytical Isolette C2000City Technology (城市技术) MOX-1 、MOX-01Sensor Tec ST-12Siemens (西门子) SV 900 C/DSpace Labs 90514Teledyne R22 MED OOM102-19mV-14mVtemperature compensated <12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hours3.5mm mono Jack Analytical Industries PSR-11-917-JBMD Bio Med Devices M-10, M-2 10006Bird Products (VIASYS) (鸟牌) 6400 Vent., 8400 Vent., VIP Vent.Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) MiniOX I,II,III & 3000 406931City Technology (城市技术) MOX-2 、MOX-02Dameca Alpha Med 42035-46 Datex-Engstrom Erica 、ElviraHudson 5567Puritan Bennett (PB泰科)7280 Monitor 7200 Ventilator 4-020933-00Sensor Tec ST-11Stephan ArtecTaema (天马) YR010100Teledyne R17 MED OOM103 9mV-13mVtemperature compensated <5 seconds >500 000 % O2 hours3 pin Molex connector Criticare PoetMaxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-22CCTeledyne R22CC OOM103-1 9mV-13mVtemperature compensated <5 seconds >500 000 % O2 hours3.5mm mono Jack Invivo 9445Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-13F OOM103-1M 9mV-13mVtemperature compensated<5 seconds >500 000 % O2 hoursSwitchcraft mini power Jack IT-Gambert M-25Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-250esf OOM104 24µA-32µAno temperature compensation<12 seconds > 750 000 % O2 hoursgold plated slip rings Drager (德尔格) Incubator 8000 6850645IT-Gambert M-08Sensor Tec ST-13 OOM105 Teledyne TED range<5 seconds >500 000 % O2 hoursMolex plug 4P4C Analytical Industries PSR-11-77Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 804674City Technology (城市技术) MOX-4 、MOX-04Hamilton (夏美顿) HM-03Hudson 5558IT-Gambert M-07Newport (纽邦) OM100Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-17Sechrist 650 / 4370Sensor Tec ST-03Teledyne TED 60T/191T/200T T7 OOM106 9mV-13mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hours 3 pin Molex connectorDatascope 0600-00-0002Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-12F OOM107 170µA-230µAno temperature compensation<12 seconds > 250 000 % O2 hoursgold plated slip rings Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 485905Hamilton (夏美顿) Arabella, Amadeus, Veolar HM-01Hudson 5569IT-Gambert M-05Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-19Megamed M2Pacifitech PT-01Sensor Tec ST-01Teledyne No leads T1/T2 OOM107-2 170µA-230µAno temperature compensation<12 seconds > 250 000 % O2 hoursflying leads with pin-connectors Analytical Industries PSR-11-33Bio Tek (宝待) 48351Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 478841Hudson 5568IT-Gambert M-06Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-18Megamed M1Pacifitech PT-02Sensor Tec ST-02Teledyne With leads C1R/ C2RVickers Mie OOM110 10mV-12mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hoursmodular Jack 6P4CCity Technology (城市技术) MOX-7 、MOX-07IT-Gambert M-10Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-10Ohmeda (欧美达) Aestiva, 7900 Monitor, Excel SE 6050-0004-110 OOM201 24µA-32µA (dual cathode)no temperature compensation<12 seconds >500 000 % O2 hoursgold plated slip rings Analytical Industries PSR-11-915-2Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 655263City Technology (城市技术) MOX-16Drager (德尔格) Oxycom, Oxydig, Anemone, Evita, Cicero, Babylog, Fabian, PM 8030 6850645 、Incubator 8000 6850645NAD Narcomed 6850645Hamilton (夏美顿) HM-13、HM-14Hewlett Packard 15201AHudson 5557IT-Gambert M-02Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-11Mercury Medical 10-103-07Pacifitech PT-14Sensor Tec ST-14Teledyne R23 OOM202 13mV-16mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hours3 pin Molex Analytical Industries PSR-11-917-MBird Products (VIASYS) (鸟牌) Avea. VentCatalyst Research MSA (梅思安) 472062City Technology (城市技术) MOX-9 、MOX-09Hamilton (夏美顿) Galileo,Raphael, Alladin HM-12Hudson 5566Infrasonics 60116IT-Gambert M-04 、M-16Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-12 、MAX-16Mercury Medical 10-103-06Pacifitech PT-12Puritan Bennett (PB泰科) Ventilators 840, 740, 760 4-072214-00Siemens (西门子) SV 300 and 710 9004979 E347ESiemens (西门子) SV 300 and 710 6419332 E380ESiemens (西门子) SV 900 C/DSpace Labs 90514Teledyne R24 OOM202-113mV-16mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hours3.5mm mono Jack Analytical Isolette 6735142IT-Gambert M-03Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-13 OOM202-213mV-16mVtemperature compensated <12 seconds >1 000 000 % O2 hoursflying leads with 3pin female molex connector Catalyst Research MSA (梅思安) MiniOX IA 806572IT-Gambert M-09Maxtec (迈克思泰克) MAX-14 OOM202-2S 9mV-11,5mVtemperature compensated<12 seconds > 1 000 000 % O2 hoursAMP MATE-N-LOK/2 circuit City Technology (城市技术) MOX-10IT-Gambert M-11Stephan Stephanie
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