Industrial Online Transmitters
General Purpose |
Explosion Proof | Instrinsically Safe |
General Purpose:
Features an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor capable of
precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from 100 PPB to 1%
over a 24 month operating life with no periodic maintenance required,
menu driven controls, and, two (2) wire loop power.
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Designed exclusive for glove box and controlled atmosphere
applications. Features an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor
capable of precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from 100
PPB to 1% over a 24 month operating life with no periodic maintenance
required, menu driven controls, two (2) wire loop power, and, innovative
sampling and calibration modules which along with the transmitter are
designed for use inside a glove box eliminating potential leaks from
wall penetrations. Learn more
... |
Features an advanced galvanic oxygen sensor capable of measuring
oxygen concentrations ranging from 0.05% to 100% over a 60 month
operating life with no periodic maintenance required, menu driven
controls, and, two (2) wire loop power.
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Features an innovative galvanic oxygen purity sensor capable of
precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from 0%-100%
continuously over a 24 month operating life with no periodic maintenance
required, menu driven controls, and, two (2) wire loop power.
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Explosion Proof:
Meets standards for Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, D. Features an
advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor capable of precisely measuring
oxygen concentrations ranging from from 100 PPB to 1% over a 24 month
operating life, a proven electronic platform, flame arrestors, a
stainless steel sample system, and, two (2) wire loop power.
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Meets standards for Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C, D hazardous
areas. Features an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor capable of
precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from from 0.05% to
100% over a 36 month operating life with no periodic maintenance
required, a proven electronic platform, flame arrestors, a stainless
steel sample system, and, two (2) wire loop power.
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Intrinsically Safe:
Features certification to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC with instrinsic
safety barrier (view all ATEX
certified products), an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor
capable of precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from from
100 PPB to 1% over a 24 month operating life, menu driven controls, a
stainless steel sample system, and, two (2) wire loop power.
Learn more ... |
Features certification to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
(view all ATEX certified
products). Designed exclusive for glove box and controlled
atmosphere applications. Features an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen
sensor capable of precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from
100 PPB to 1% over a 24 month operating life with no periodic
maintenance required, menu driven controls, two (2) wire loop power,
and, innovative sampling and calibration modules which along with the
transmitter are designed for use inside a glove box eliminating
potential leaks from wall penetrations.
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Features certification to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
(view all ATEX certified
products), an advanced galvanic trace PPM oxygen sensor capable of
precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from from 100 PPB to
1% over a 24 month operating life, menu driven controls, and, two (2)
wire loop power. Learn more
... |
Features certification to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC with instrinsic
safety barrier (view all ATEX
certified products), an advanced galvanic oxygen sensor capable of
precisely measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from from 0.05% to
100% over a 36 month operating life, menu driven controls, a stainless
steel sample system, and, two (2) wire loop power.
Learn more ... |
Features certification to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
(view all ATEX certified
products), an advanced galvanic oxygen sensor capable of precisely
measuring oxygen concentrations ranging from from 0.05% to 100% over a
36 month operating life, menu driven controls, and, two (2) wire loop
power. Learn more ... |
ATEX and cUL product certifications pending. Features an advanced
trace PPM hydrogen sulfide sensor capable of precisely measuring
hydrogen sulfide concentrations ranging from 1 PPM to 2000 PPM over a 24
month operating life with no periodic maintenance required, menu driven
controls, and, two (2) wire loop power.
Learn more ... |
美国AII氧分析仪传感器XLT-12-123 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-12-22 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-12-24
美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-12-223 美国AII氧分析仪传感器XLT-11-15 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-21
美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-213 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-23 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-233
美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-25 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-77 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-54 美国AII氧分析仪传感器PSR-11-52
产品图片 |
产品名称/型号 |
产品简单介绍 |
美国AII XLT-12-123
美国AII PSR-12-22
美国AII PSR-12-223
美国AII PSR-12-24
美国AII XLT-11-15
美国AII PSR-11-21
美国AII PSR-11-213
美国AII PSR-11-23
美国AII PSR-11-233
美国AII PSR-11-25
美国AII PSR-11-77
美国AII PSR-11-54
美国AII PSR-11-52
美国AII PSR-11-39
类 别: 分析仪器 > 气体检测仪 气体传感器
名 称: 美国AII氧气传感器,GPR氧燃料电池,PSR氧电极,XLT氧电池
型 号:
品 牌: 美国先进AII/ADV公司
参考价格: 书面报价
美国AII(ADV)公司的氧气传感器(氧气传感器、氧电极、氧电池、氧燃料电池)制造技术使得近几十年来的电化学传感器技术实现了革命性的突破, 其将微燃料电池氧传感器的灵敏度提高到了1ppb,寿命长达2-10年,响应时间以及从工艺波动中恢复时间大大缩短,使用温度拓宽到了-30度,稳定性大为提高从而延长了标定周期。另外,AII美国AII(ADV)公司还提供一系列高质量替代传感器,可发和市场上主要厂商的电化学氧传感器互换使用。和市场上主要的氧仪表相比,提供了最好的性能价格比。在绝大多数情况下,AII产品可以替代顺磁氧分析仪,而且实际表现更加优秀。这是因为和顺磁氧传感器相比,电化学传感器稳定性好,受温度、流量、压力的影响小,不受振动、安装角度等因素的影响(这对便携式分析仪而言尤为重要),对样气水份、尘等杂质含量的要求比较低,在传感器使用寿命周期内,灵敏度不因为样气中含有一定量的水份或尘而下降,而且对样气预处理系统要求低。AII/ADV公司所开发的氧传感器 (氧气传感器、氧电极、氧电池、氧燃料电池)对氧有极好的选择性,要可以测量低至小于1ppb、高到100%的氧。样气中的氧在敏感电极上发生化学反应,产生和浓度成比例的电流信号。所输出的电流信号在指定的所有测量内均为线性,并且在整个正常使用寿命周期内保持不变。其它竞争者所制造的传感器很难与之相比。
0-100ppb满量程的Pico-lon “HP”
0-1ppm满量程Pico-lon “MS” 系列传感器
Sensor,GPR-12-333ppm Oxygen
Sensor,GPR-12-2000MSppb Oxygen
Sensor,GPR-11-12-4High Purity Oxygen Sensor
AII还设计出一系列高质量的替代传感器,用于直接替代Teledyne、MSA、Figaro 其它厂商的氧传感器。
传感器选型通用指导GPR-13-2000UHP氧气传感器、GPR-12-2000MS氧电极、GPR-12-333氧电池、GPR-11-32-4氧燃料电池、PSR-12-223氧电极、XLT-12-333、GPR-12-100-M、XLT-12-100-M、GPR-11-120-OP、GPR-11-120-RTS、GPR-11-120-4、GPR-11-32-4、GPR-11-60-4、GPR-11-75-F、GPR-11-60、XLT-11-24、XLT-11-32-4、XLT-11-32-RT、GPR-11-21-RT、A-2675氧燃料电池、 OSV-31-1、OSV-42-1、PSR-12-223、XLT-12-223、PSR-11-15D、9212-0、PSR-11-21、GPR-11-917-J、PSR-11-37-4、PSR-11-75-KE氧电池、SAF-11-02-E、SAF-11-02-I氧电极、XLT-11-15氧气传感器,AII氧分析仪GPR-1200/GPR-1100GPR-1500传感器:GPR-12-333/GPR-12-100-M或酸性电池XL-12-333;AII氧分析仪传感器GPR-2000配GPR-11-21-RT/XLT24-RT;纯氧分析仪变送器GPR-2500MO配1-120-4氧分析仪传感器常量氧变送器GPR-2500配GPR-11-32-4或酸性电池XLT-11-32-4。AII氧气传感器专门设计用于背景气体中含有0.5%-100%CO2和其它酸性气体的连续测量。合气体或间歇式测量CO2和其它酸性气体中的氧。间歇式测量定义为微量氧在15分钟测量后用空气或氮气吹扫15分钟。