Quality (VOC)
Dioxide (CO2)
Monoxide (CO)
Dioxide (NO2)
and Actuators
Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors

Gas Central with built-in Gas Detector for Carbon Monoxide CMC-series
CMC-series is a new gas central with built-in gas detector for carbon monoxide (CO) that gives warnings and provides control functions at the same time.
There are alarms and monitoring functions integrated so that staff can be evacuated until the problem has been looked into and corrected.
Read more about Gas Central with built-in Gas Detector for Carbon Monoxide CMC-series
CO detectors
CMD, CMB and CMS-series
The carbon monoxide detector is used for the detection of carbon monoxide (CO) within a wide range of commercial applications such as vehicle exhaust in parking structures (e.g. underground garages), engine repair shops, tunnels, equipment rooms and ventilation systems etc.
CMD-series = IP65
CMB-series = IP65, duct
CMS-series = IP55, stainless steel
The CMD-series carbon monoxide detector
for wall mounting
The CMB-series carbon monoxide detector
for duct is supplied with a Duct Mounting Set.
The CMS-series carbon monoxide detector
with stainless steel enclosure is designed with a practical
snap closing without screwing.
To avoid unauthorized opening,
the CMS enclosure can only be opened by
opening tool TL1 SSE
Output (0)2-10 Vdc or (0)4-20 mA, jumper selectable
Electrochemical sensor element
Positoning stable
Sensor life time expectancy 5 years,
in normal operation enviroment
Supply voltage range 18-28 Vac/dc
Wide selection of ppm ranges:
- 0-50 ppm
- 0-100 ppm
- 0-150 ppm
- 0-200 ppm
- 0-300 ppm
- 0-400 ppm
- 0-500 ppm
- 0-1000 ppm
- 0-2000 ppm
Options for carbon monoxide detectors
CMD, CMB and CMS-series:
- Relay Pack (2 alarm relays)
- Buzzer/Siren (built-in, in front of cover)
- *LCD display (built-in, in front of cover)
- *LED indicator (built-in, in front of cover)
- Heating
- RS-485 Modbus
* Not possible with CMS enlosure
Read more about Carbon Monoxide detectors CMD, CMB and CMS-series
Side Warning Devices /
External Devices
- Flash Light (external)
- Buzzer/Siren (external)
- Flash Light and Buzzer/Siren (external)
- Side warning devices can be used with
CO detectors CMD, CMB and CMS
when the option relay pack (2 alarm relays)
RP2 is added
Read more about Side Warning Devices / External Devices
CO detectors
CMA, CMK and CMR-series
The carbon monoxide detector 4-20 mA / 2- 10 Vdc output is used for the continuous monitoring of the ambient air to detect the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) gas concentrations within the ambient conditions defined in the specifications.
Main application ranges are underground car parks, tunnels, engine test stations, shelters, loading areas etc.
IP protections:
CMA-series = IP65
CMK-series = IP65, duct
CMR-series = IP55, stainless steel
Electrochemical sensor element
Positoning stable
Sensor life time expectancy 5 years,
in normal operation enviroment
Supply voltage range 18-28 Vac/dc
Wide selection of ppm ranges:
- 0-50 ppm
- 0-100 ppm
- 0-150 ppm
- 0-200 ppm
- 0-300 ppm
- 0-400 ppm
- 0-500 ppm
- 0-1000 ppm
Read more about Carbon Monoxide detectors CMA, CMK and CMR-series
Buying a CO Detector? Know the Basics
The government has made it mandatory for builders and house owners to include carbon monoxide detectors in every floor of a residence. And you must have noticed how the registration officials looked carefully for safety measures in your house before giving you the final nod o owning the property. To be a discerning owner you need to upgrade facilities and fire and safety measures in your home from time to time. And even you are an experienced buyer in terms of carbon monoxide detectors brushing up your basics when before starting on the final market hike is really important.
What Are The Main Types Of CO Detectors Available In The Market?
There are biomimetics, metal oxides, and electrochemical cored devices. These devices are so named due to the basic difference in the carbon monoxide sensor technology that has been used in them. Out of these three main types electrochemical devices have been known to give accurate results. Real time constant LCD screen displays and LED lights present on these detectors make it easy for the user to follow the records of the different levels of carbon monoxide in the house. He can accordingly tune down the use of probable carbon monoxide emitting appliances at home. These include air conditioners, propane water heaters, corn burners, wood burners, furnaces, and so on.
Features That You Must Look For
When you are out there in the crowd of carbon monoxide alarms, you should streamline your search by looking for new features that have been included in recent models. LED lights that glow in different shades corresponding to the level of carbon monoxide present in the air have already been mentioned. LCD displays of the latest recordings are also around these days. Go for carbon monoxide transmitter which have a decent amount of memory to help you look up records and decide what appliances to use at home and when to time their usage. Also look for the testing button on devices you consider buying. The testing button ensures that you can run a check if the CO transmitters are working in good shape on a regular basis. This ensures that there is no miss in spite of any unhappy alarms occurring in the near past or future.
Add on the Direct Advantages
Do not forget that carbon monoxide alarms can be great
life savers. Especially those which have smoke detectors
integrated within the device itself. Nothing works better
than a combined carbon monoxide cum smoke detector created
using the superior sensor technology of CO sensors and
performing to their best using built-in buzzers, displays,
and lights. Adding up to the performance of the devices
using external buzzers and flash lights further enhances the
capacity of the device you buy.
So yes when you are purchasing a new carbon monoxide alarm
purchase a set of external side warning devices. They really
give you fulfilling and content sleep in the nights. This is
because you are completely assured about the effectiveness
and accuracy of the device which can wake you up even in the
middle of the night thanks to the power of the buzzers.