Products Wireless Transceiver Introduction Apex Wireless, Inc. designs and manufactures spread spectrum radio transceivers and one way RF transmitters and receivers in the UHF, 900 MHZ, and 2.4 GHz frequency bands. We also provide RF contract development services and wireless consulting services, as well as technology licensing. We specialize in low cost one way and two way radio links in the unlicensed (ISM) frequency bands. Our past contract engineering projects include frequency hopping transceivers, direct sequence satellite transmitters, RF modems, RFID systems, frequency synthesizers, pagers, remote controls, RKE systems and wildlife tracking systems. Our standard products include our SS-200 900 MHz spread spectrum radio transceiver and DataHawk one way data link. The SS-200 is full featured, low cost spread spectrum data link. It can operate at distances of 20 miles or more, without requiring an FCC license. It supports point to point, point to multipoint, broadcast group and repeater modes using the RS-232 interface protocol. Our DataHawk wireless data link is optimized for multiple transmitter, single receiver applications, such as vending, process monitoring and security. The transmitter is small and low cost, but features frequency hopping spread spectrum technology for excellent range and reliability. The receiver is capable of reading 100's of transmitters simultaneously. Readings are transferred to the host computer via a standard RS-232 interface. If it's wireless, chances are we've done it. |
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