Products RF/Microwave Instrumentation,Modulor RF,Receiver Systems Introduction AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation RF power amplifiers, solid state microwave amplifiers, TWT amplifiers, antennas, transient generators, EMC test systems and software, field probes and monitors, test accessories, and RF test system controllers. RF/Microwave Instrumentation AR Modular RF RF amplifiers and modules that are used primarily in wireless & military communications, electronic warfare, electronic countermeasures, homeland security, and have a variety of medical, scientific and industrial applications. Modulor RF AR Receiver Systems EMI receivers & EMI receiver systems for EMC and surveillance applications, impulse generators (calibrators) and leak detectors. Receiver Systems AR Europe This division provides a complete line of RF solutions and test systems throughout Europe. Whether you need RF amplifiers, transient generators, antennas, amplifier modules, complete EMC test systems, an EMI receiver or just about any engineering help with EMC or Wireless and beyond, there’s one source to turn to: AR , parent company of AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation, AR Modular RF, AR Receiver Systems, and AR Europe. No wonder one source is recognized as the global leader. With the combined resources of all the AR companies, we simply have more of the best people making the best products to overcome your toughest challenges. And you get the benefit of all our people, all our innovations, and all our support when you connect with any AR company. Products That Make Testing Easier, Faster, More Accurate With AR products, you can perform tests remotely, from your PC. You can conduct a whole a series of tests automatically. You can get the combination of power and frequency you need. And with every AR product, you get a level of quality and value that is unparalleled. The same AR quality and peace of mind is now available with EMI receiver systems, leak detectors, EMI pollution detectors, and calibration services. Our newest company joins AR with an impressive reputation as a pioneer in receiver systems. Solutions That Give You Room to Grow AR products not only provide solutions to current problems, they anticipate and help you prepare for the future. We recently added a series of |
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