




















  SSTKJ自 制微波光电  




































-> 通信专用元器件

-> 电子管/真空管/闸流管


-> ERICSSON爱立信系列


-> TOSHIBA东芝系列


-> M/A-COM系列

-> ASI系列



-> NEC日电系列


-> SONY索尼系列

-> Mini-circuits



->  WJ


-> APT


-> ST意法半导体


-> PDI

-> CML



































以前的HP公司,现在更名为Agilent/AVAGO安华高(原安捷伦)公司。其产品有:微波射频二极管(PIN二极管肖特基二极管等)、混频器晶体管单片放大器、射频集成电路以及VCO等。 Agilent/AVAGO安华高(原安捷伦)公司产品选用目录

资料/库存1  资料/库存2  资料/库存3  资料/库存4  资料/库存5 资料/库存6   资料/库存7  资料/库存8  资料/库存9     

Avago Technologies可能是世界上历史最久远的新兴企业。该公司始创于惠普公司在1961年成立的元器件部。在随后的三十多年中,元器件部因锐意创新、追求质量和卓越的客户服务而享有盛誉,并积累了一系列丰富的知识产权,拥有2,000多项专利技术和专利申请。1999年,安捷伦科技公司从惠普公司分离出来,元器件部成为了安捷伦公司的半导体产品事业部(SPG),进一步通过推进全球通信革命的创新产品,扩展到全新的市场和应用领域。2005年末,Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR)和Silver Lake Partners收购了半导体产品事业部。Avago Technologies一举成为了全球最大的非上市独立半导体公司。它也是硅谷唯一拥有40年悠久历史和斐然业绩的新公司。
Avago Technologies的目标是成为为全球提供设计、开发和销售模拟、混合信号和光电器件及子系统的市场领导企业。该公司的战略定位主要包括:
1. 利用Avago丰富的知识产权和设计经验,通过创新的新产品实现增长;
2. 加深客户关系;
3. 通过高度灵活的低成本运作模式,不断提高盈利能力;
4. 发挥公司独立运作的优势,突破重点,更好地控制业务的发展。
Avago Technologies面向无线和有线通信、工业、汽车、消费电子及存储和计算机等广阔的应用领域和终端市场,提供5,500多种系列产品。Avago的产品通过全球代理商网络和直销队伍,销往包括原始设备制造商(OEM)和分包制造商等全球40,000多家客户。



  • 双工器和滤波器
    安捷伦创新的薄膜腔声谐振器 (FBAR) 技术可以大幅缩小手机中双工器和滤波器的尺寸。低插入损失和随温度波动小的性能使其成为满足 CDMA 要求的理想选择。
  • 前端模块
    安捷伦利用自己的交换、E-pHEMT 电源和 FBAR 滤波技术,和其他公司联手开发了真正提供附加价值的集成的射频前端模块。
  • 手机功率
    安捷伦屡获奖项的 E-pHEMT 功率放大器具有卓越的功率加效率。也就是说,可以使电池寿命更长,并在电话设计中增加更强大的功能。
  • 毫米波和微波器件
    安捷伦提供了一系列新型毫米波MMIC,以很低的成本为DC - 50 GHz RF应用和10 Gb/s - 40 Gb/s电信应用提供了杰出的性能。
  • PIN二极管
    安捷伦为蜂窝/PCS 基站、WLAN、CATV、LNB 和其他无线通信市场提供最广泛的表面贴装 PIN 二极管产品。
  • 肖特基二极管
  • RFICs (包括放大器和混频器)
    安捷伦提供广泛的、采用业内标准的 SOT、SC70、Minipak、LPCC、塑料和陶瓷封装形式的GaAs和硅RFIC,其目标应用领域包括无线通信设施、WLAN、蜂窝产品等等。
  • 离散晶体管
    安捷伦拥有广泛的硅双极晶体管和GaAs FET系列产品,为无线通信设施、WLAN、蜂窝产品和无线数据通信等应用提供了理想的解决方案。
  • VCOs [不建议新设计使用]
    安捷伦的 VCO 具有卓越的稳定性。这些产品是光纤通信系统和仪器仪表应用的理想选择。
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Series Resistance(ohms)sort by this column Carrier Life(ns)sort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column
1N5719 Active Data Sheet(s) Axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.3 pF 1.25 ohms 100 ns 150 V
1N5767 Active Data Sheet(s) Axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.37 pF 2 ohms 1800 ns 100 V
5082-3001 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.25 pF 1 ohms 100 ns 200 V
5082-3039 Active Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.25 pF 1.25 ohms 100 ns 150 V
5082-3077 Active Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 100 ns 200 V
5082-3080 Active Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.37 pF 2 ohms 1800 ns 100 V
5082-3081 Active Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.4 pF 3.5 ohms 2500 ns 100 V
5082-3188 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 1 pF 0.6 ohms 100 ns 35 V
5082-3379 Active Data Sheet(s) axial lead glass packaged PIN diodes 0.4 pF n/a 1300 ns 50 V
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Series Resistance(ohms)sort by this column Carrier Life(ns)sort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column
5082-0001 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Chip PIN diodes for hybrid assemblies 0.16 pF 0.8 ohms 35 ns 70 V
5082-0012 Active Data Sheet(s) Chip PIN diodes for hybrid assemblies 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 500 ns 200 V
HPND-0001 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Chip PIN diodes for hybrid assemblies 0.37 pF 2 ohms 1800 ns 100 V
HPND-0002 Active Data Sheet(s) Chip PIN diodes for hybrid assemblies 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HPND-4005 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam lead Diodes for stripline or Microstrip circuits 0.02 pF 4.7 ohms 100 ns 100 V
HPND-4018 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) beam lead Diodes for switching applications 0.03 pF 4.6 ohms 26 ns 60 V
HPND-4028 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam lead Diodes for switching applications 0.05 pF 3 ohms 36 ns 60 V
HPND-4038 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam lead Diodes for switching applications 0.07 pF 2 ohms 45 ns 60 V
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Series Resistance(ohms)sort by this column Carrier Life(ns)sort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column
HMPP-3860 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.2 pF 3 ohms 500 ns 50 V
HMPP-3862 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.2 pF 3 ohms 500 ns 50 V
HMPP-3865 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.2 pF 3 ohms 500 ns 50 V
HMPP-3890 Active Data Sheet(s) MiniPak PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 50 V
HMPP-3892 Active Data Sheet(s) MiniPak PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 50 V
HMPP-3895 Active Data Sheet(s) MiniPak PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 50 V
HMPP-389T Active Data Sheet(s) MiniPak PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 50 V
HSMP-3810 Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-3812 Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-3813 Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-3814 Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-381B Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-381C Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-381E Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-381F Active Data Sheet(s) Low distortion PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-3820 Active Data Sheet(s) Low resistance PIN switch diode 0.8 pF 0.6 ohms 70 ns 35 V
HSMP-3822 Active Data Sheet(s) Low resistance PIN switch diode 0.8 pF 0.6 ohms 70 ns 35 V
HSMP-3823 Active Data Sheet(s) Low resistance PIN switch diode 0.8 pF 0.6 ohms 70 ns 35 V
HSMP-3824 Active Data Sheet(s) Low resistance PIN switch diode 0.8 pF 0.6 ohms 70 ns 35 V
HSMP-3830 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose PIN diode 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 500 ns 200 V
HSMP-3832 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose PIN diode 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 500 ns 200 V
HSMP-3833 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose PIN diode 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 500 ns 200 V
HSMP-3834 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose PIN diode 0.3 pF 1.5 ohms 500 ns 200 V
HSMP-3860 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-3862 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-3863 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-3864 Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-386B Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-386C Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-386E Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-386F Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-386L Active Data Sheet(s) Low cost general purpose PIN diode 0.25 pF 4.5 ohms unspecified ns 200 V
HSMP-3880 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.4 pF 6.5 ohms 2500 ns 100 V
HSMP-3890 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-3892 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-3893 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-3894 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-3895 Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389B Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389C Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389E Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389F Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389L Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389R Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389T Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389U Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-389V Active Data Sheet(s) PIN switch diode 0.3 pF 2.5 ohms 200 ns 35 V
HSMP-4810 Active Data Sheet(s) Low inductance PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-481B Active Data Sheet(s) Low inductance PIN attenuator diode 0.35 pF 3 ohms 1500 ns 100 V
HSMP-4820 Active Data Sheet(s) RF power limiter diode 0.8 pF 0.6 ohms 70 ns 35 V
Product Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Signal Sensor(dBm)sort by this column
1N5711 Active Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
1N5712 Active Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
5082-2800 Active Data Sheet(s) High breakdown general purpose Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
5082-2804 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) high breakdown general purpose Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
5082-2805 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) high breakdown general purpose Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
5082-2810 Active Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f (Flicker) Noise Schottky Diodes 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
5082-2811 Active Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 15 V 1.2 pF n/a
5082-2826 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 15 V 1.2 pF n/a
5082-2835 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose Schottky diode 8 V 1 pF -56 dBm

Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Signal Sensor(dBm)sort by this column
HSCH-5310 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.1 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5312 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.15 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5314 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.15 pF n/a
HSCH-5315 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.15 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5316 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.25 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5317 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.25 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5318 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.25 pF n/a
HSCH-5319 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.25 pF n/a
HSCH-5330 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.1 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-5331 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.1 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-5332 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.15 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-5333 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.15 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-5336 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.25 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-5340 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.1 pF n/a
HSCH-5341 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.1 pF n/a
HSCH-5511 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes n/a 0.1 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5512 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.15 pF -54 dBm
HSCH-5531 Active Data Sheet(s) Beam Lead Silicon Schottky Diodes 4 V 0.1 pF -44 dBm
HSCH-9101 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Beamlead GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 4.5 V 0.08 pF n/a
HSCH-9161 Active Data Sheet(s) Millimeter wave zero bias GaAs Schottky diode n/a 0.05 pF n/a
HSCH-9201 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Beamlead GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 4.5 V 0.08 pF n/a
HSCH-9251 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Beamlead GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 4.5 V 0.08 pF n/a
HSCH-9301 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Beamlead GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 4.5 V 0.08 pF n/a
HSCH-9351 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Beamlead GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 4.5 V 0.08 pF n/a
HSCH-9401 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Bondable GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 6 V 0.05 pF n/a
HSCH-9501 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Bondable GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 6 V 0.05 pF n/a
HSCH-9551 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) Bondable GaAs Schottky barrier diodes 6 V 0.05 pF n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Breakdown voltage(V)sort by this column Maximum Capacitance(pF)sort by this column Signal Sensor(dBm)sort by this column
HBAT-5400 Active Data Sheet(s) Clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HBAT-5402 Active Data Sheet(s) Clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HBAT-540B Active Data Sheet(s) Clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HBAT-540C Active Data Sheet(s) Clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HMPS-2820 Active Data Sheet(s) RF/Microwave mixer/detector diode n/a n/a n/a
HMPS-2822 Active Data Sheet(s) RF/Microwave mixer/detector diode n/a n/a n/a
HMPS-2825 Active Data Sheet(s) RF/Microwave mixer/detector diode n/a n/a n/a
HSMS-2700 Active Data Sheet(s) High power clipping/clamping diode 15 V 6.7 pF n/a
HSMS-2702 Active Data Sheet(s) High power clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HSMS-270B Active Data Sheet(s) High power clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HSMS-270C Active Data Sheet(s) High power clipping/clamping diode 30 V 3 pF n/a
HSMS-2800 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2802 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2803 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2804 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2805 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2807 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2808 Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280B Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280C Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280E Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280F Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280K Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280L Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280M Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280N Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280P Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-280R Active Data Sheet(s) Low reverse leakage Schottky diode 70 V 2 pF n/a
HSMS-2810 Active Data Sheet(s) Low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2812 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2813 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2814 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2815 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2817 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2818 Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281B Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281C Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281E Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281F Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281K Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-281L Active Data Sheet(s) low 1/f noise general purpose Schottky diode 20 V 1.2 pF n/a
HSMS-2820 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2822 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2823 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2824 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2825 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2827 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2828 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-2829 Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
HSMS-282B Active Data Sheet(s) RF mixer/detector diode 15 V 1 pF -56 dBm
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column
AMMC-3040 Active Data Sheet(s) 18-36 GHz Double-Balanced Mixer with Integrated LO Amplifier/Multiplier n/a n/a
AMMC-3041 Active Data Sheet(s) 18-42 GHz Double Balanced Mixer n/a n/a
HMMC-3040 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 20 - 43 GHz double balanced mixer and LO amplifier n/a n/a
IAM-91563 Active Data Sheet(s) cascode type down-converting mixer n/a n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column
HMMC-1002 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-50 GHz Variable Attenuator n/a n/a
HMMC-1015 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-50 GHz Variable Attenuator (Higher P-1dB) n/a n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column
AMMC-2008 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-50 GHz SPDT Switch n/a n/a
HMMC-2007 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-8 GHz SPDT absorptive GaAs switch IC n/a n/a
HMMC-2027 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-26.5 GHz SPDT absorptive GaAs switch IC n/a n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Pricesort by this column* Productcurrent sort
DEMO-AT3/4-XX32 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for AT-32032 and AT-41532 call for price DEMO-AT3/4-XX32
DEMO-AT32063 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for AT-32063 call for price DEMO-AT32063
DEMO-AT3XX11 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for AT-31011, AT-30511 and AT-32011 call for price DEMO-AT3XX11
DEMO-AT3XX33 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for AT-32033, AT-30533 or AT-31033 call for price DEMO-AT3XX33
DEMO-ATF-3X1M4A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-331M4 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-3X1M4A
DEMO-ATF-5X1431 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-54143 and ATF-55143 (5 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-5X1431
DEMO-ATF-5X143C Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-54143, ATF-55143 and ATF-58143 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-5X143C
DEMO-ATF-5X1M4 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-541M4 and ATF-551M4 (5.5 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-5X1M4
DEMO-ATF-5X1M4A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-541M4 and ATF-551M4 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-5X1M4A
DEMO-ATF-5X1P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-501P8, ATF-511P8, ATF-521P8 and ATF-531P8 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF-5X1P8
DEMO-ATF3616-3 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-36163 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF3616-3
DEMO-ATF3X14-32 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for ATF-34143, ATF-35143 and ATF-38143 (2 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF3X14-32
DEMO-ATF3X14-33 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for the ATF-33143 (0.9 - 2 GHz) and ATF-34143 (0.9 GHz) call for price DEMO-ATF3X14-33
DEMO-ATF5X14-3A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for the ATF-54143 and ATF-55143 (900 MHz) call for price DEMO-ATF5X14-3A
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Power (dBm) @ 1DB(dBm)sort by this column Gain(DB)sort by this column Noise Figure(DB)sort by this column
AT-41485 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor 0 GHz 5 GHz 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-42085 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor 0 GHz 3 GHz 21 dBm n/a n/a
AT-64020 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 28 dBm n/a n/a
AT-64023 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 28 dBm n/a n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Power (dBm) @ 1DB(dBm)sort by this column Gain(DB)sort by this column Noise Figure(DB)sort by this column
AT-30511 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 7 dBm n/a n/a
AT-30533 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 7 dBm n/a n/a
AT-31011 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 9 dBm n/a n/a
AT-31033 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 9 dBm n/a n/a
AT-31625 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) Power transistors for battery operation n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
AT-32011 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 13 dBm n/a n/a
AT-32032 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 13 dBm n/a n/a
AT-32033 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 13 dBm n/a n/a
AT-32063 Active Data Sheet(s) Microcurrent transistors for battery operations n/a n/a 13 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41410 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor 0 GHz 5 GHz 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41411 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41435 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41470 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41486 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 19 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41511 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 14.5 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41532 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 14.5 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41533 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 14.5 dBm n/a n/a
AT-41586 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 14.5 dBm n/a n/a
AT-42010 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor 0 GHz 3 GHz 21 dBm n/a n/a
AT-42035 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 21 dBm n/a n/a
AT-42036 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
AT-42070 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 21 dBm n/a n/a
AT-42086 Active Data Sheet(s) General purpose transistor n/a n/a 21 dBm n/a n/a
ATF-33143 Active Data Sheet(s) SC-70 (SOT-343) Low Noise +33.5 dBm OIP3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-331M4 Active Data Sheet(s) PHEMT Low Noise +31 dBm OIP3 in MiniPak n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-34143 Active Data Sheet(s) SC-70 (SOT-343) Low Noise +31.5 dBm OIP3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-35143 Active Data Sheet(s) SC-70 (SOT-343) Low Noise +21 dBm OIP3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-36077 Active Data Sheet(s) (70mil Ceramic) Low Noise High Freq PHEMT +5 dBm P1dB n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-36163 Active Data Sheet(s) SC-70 (SOT-363) Low Noise High Freq PHEMT +5 dBm P1dB n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-38143 Active Data Sheet(s) SC-70 (SOT-343) Low Noise +22 dBm OIP3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-50189 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +45 dBm OIP3 in SOT-89 package n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-501P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +45.5 dBm OIP3 in LPCC n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-511P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +41.7 dBm OIP3 in LPCC n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-521P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +42 dBm OIP3 in LPCC n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-531P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +38 dBm OIP3 in LPCC n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-54143 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +36 dBm OIP3 in SC-70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-541M4 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +36 dBm OIP3 in MiniPak n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-55143 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Current Low Noise +24.2dBm OIP3 in SC-70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-551M4 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Current Low Noise +24dBm OIP3 in MiniPak n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ATF-58143 Active Data Sheet(s) Single Voltage E-pHEMT Low Noise +30.5 dBm OIP3 in SC-70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
HBFP-0405 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 3V High Performance Transistor n/a n/a 5 dBm n/a n/a
HBFP-0420 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 3V High Performance Transistor n/a n/a 12 dBm n/a n/a
HBFP-0450 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 3V High Performance Transistor n/a n/a 19 dBm n/a n/a
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Pricesort by this column*
DEMO-ABA-3XX63 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration Circuit Board for ABA-31563 and ABA-32563 call for price
DEMO-ABA-5XX63 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration Circuit Board for the ABA-51563, ABA-52563 and ABA-53563 call for price
DEMO-ADA-4X43 Active Data Sheet(s) Demostration Circuit Board for ADA-4543, ADA-4643, ADA-4743 call for price
DEMO-MGA-545P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-545P8 (5.8 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-565P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-565P8 call for price
DEMO-MGA-5X Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-52543 and MGA-53543 (2 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-6X563 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-61563 and MGA-62563 call for price
DEMO-MGA-71543 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-71543 (2 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-72543 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-72543 (2 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-725M4 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-725M4 (2 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-83A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-83563 call for price
DEMO-MGA-85A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-85563 (0.8 - 6 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA-8A Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-81563 and MGA-82563 call for price
DEMO-MGA8656-3 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-86563 (2 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA8657-6 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-86576 (2 - 3 GHz) call for price
DEMO-MGA8756-3 Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MGA-87563 call for price
DEMO-MSA Active Data Sheet(s) Demonstration circuit board for MSA products call for price
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Power (dBm) @ 1DB(dBm)sort by this column Gain(DB)sort by this column Noise Figure(DB)sort by this column
MSA-0204 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0285 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0304 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0385 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0404 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0420 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0485 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0504 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 200 mW, >6V Fixed Gain Amp 0.05 GHz 2 GHz n/a 8 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0520 Active Data Sheet(s) 200 mW, >6V Fixed Gain Amp 0.05 GHz 2 GHz n/a 8 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0685 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz n/a n/a n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0785 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 6V fixed gain amp 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-1104 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, High Dynamic Range Amplifier 0.02 GHz 2.5 GHz n/a 12 DB 3.5 DB
MSA-1120 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, High Dynamic Range Amplifier 0.02 GHz 2.5 GHz n/a 12 DB 3.5 DB
MSA-2085 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, Enhanced Gain 10 dBm Amplifier 0.001 GHz 5 GHz n/a 17 DB 4 DB
MSA-3185 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 6V Fixed Gain Amp, Improved Gain for 900 MHz Application 0.001 GHz 5 GHz n/a 18 DB 3.5 DB
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Power (dBm) @ 1DB(dBm)sort by this column Gain(DB)sort by this column Noise Figure(DB)sort by this column
ABA-31563 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Cost Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 3.5 n/a 21.5 3.8
ABA-32563 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Cost Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 2.5 n/a 19 3.5
ABA-51563 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Noise Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 3.5 GHz n/a 21.5 DB 3.7 DB
ABA-52563 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Noise Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 3.5 GHz n/a 21.5 DB 3.3 DB
ABA-53563 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Noise Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 3.5 GHz n/a 21.5 DB 3.5 DB
ABA-54563-BLKG Active Data Sheet(s) Low Cost Broadband Silicon RFIC Amplifier n/a 3.4 GHz n/a 23.1 DB 4.4 DB
ADA-4543 Active Data Sheet(s) Silicon Bipolar Darlington Amplifier n/a 2.5 GHz n/a 15.1 DB 3.7 DB
ADA-4643 Active Data Sheet(s) Silicon Bipolar Darlington Amplifier n/a 2.5 GHz n/a 17 DB 4 DB
ADA-4743 Active Data Sheet(s) Silicon Bipolar Darlington Amplifier n/a 2.5 GHz n/a 16.5 DB 4.2 DB
MGA-52543 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V LNA, +32dBm OIP3, 0.4-6GHz, SOT343(SC-70) 0.4 GHz 6 GHz n/a 15 DB 1.6 DB
MGA-53543 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V High Linearity LNA, +39dBm OIP3, 0.45-6GHz, SOT343(SC-70) 6 GHz 0.5 GHz n/a 15.4 DB 1.5 DB
MGA-545P8 Active Data Sheet(s) Low Current +22dBm Medium Power Amplifier In LPCC2x2 for 5-6GHz systems 2 GHz 6 GHz n/a 12 DB n/a
MGA-565P8 Active Data Sheet(s) +20dBm Psat High Isolation Buffer Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MGA-61563 Active Data Sheet(s) Agilent MGA-61563 Current-Adjustable Low Noise Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MGA-62563 Active Data Sheet(s) Agilent MGA-62563 Current-Adjustable Low Noise Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MGA-71543 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V LNA with Bypass Switch, 0 to +9dBm Adjustable IIP3, SOT343(SC-70) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MGA-72543 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V LNA with Bypass Switch, +2 to +14dBm Adjustable IIP3, SOT343(SC-70) 0.1 GHz 6 GHz n/a 14 DB 1.4 DB
MGA-725M4 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V LNA with Bypass Switch, +2 to +14dBm Adjustable IIP3, MiniPak Package n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
MGA-81563 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V Driver Amplifier, +14dBm P1dB, Low Noise, 0.1-6GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.5 GHz 6 GHz n/a 12 DB 2.8 DB
MGA-82563 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V Driver Amplifier, +17dBm P1dB, Low Noise, 0.1-6GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.5 GHz 6 GHz n/a 13 DB 2.2 DB
MGA-83563 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V PA/Driver, +22dBm PSAT, 0.5-6GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.5 GHz 6 GHz n/a 22 DB 6 DB
MGA-85563 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V LNA, +12 to +17dBm Adjustable OIP3, 0.8-6GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.5 GHz 8 GHz n/a 18 DB 1.6 DB
MGA-86563 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V LNA, 20dB High Gain, 0.5-6GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.8 GHz 8 GHz n/a 20 DB 2 DB
MGA-86576 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V LNA, 23dB High Gain, 1.5-8GHz, 70mil Ceramic 0.8 GHz 8 GHz n/a 20 DB 2 DB
MGA-87563 Active Data Sheet(s) 3V LNA, 4.5mA Low Current, 0.5-4GHz, SOT363(SC-70) 0.5 GHz 5 GHz n/a 14 DB 1.5 DB
MSA-0235 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0236 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0270 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0286 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 5 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0311 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0335 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0336 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0370 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0386 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 10 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 12 DB 6 DB
MSA-0435 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0436 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0470 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0486 Active Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain, 12 dBm General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 8 DB 7 DB
MSA-0505 Active Data Sheet(s) 200 mW, >6V Fixed Gain Amp n/a n/a n/a 7 DB 6.5 DB
MSA-0611 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0635 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz n/a n/a n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0636 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0670 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz n/a n/a n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0686 Active Data Sheet(s) 5V Fixed Gain Amp, for Applications to 1 GHz 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 19 DB 3 DB
MSA-0711 Active Data Sheet(s) 6V Fixed Gain, General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-0735 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) 6V Fixed Gain, General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-0736 Active Data Sheet(s) 6V Fixed Gain, General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-0770 Active Data Sheet(s) 6V Fixed Gain, General Purpose Amplifier 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-0786 Active Data Sheet(s) 6V fixed gain amp 0.001 GHz 4 GHz n/a 13 DB 4.5 DB
MSA-0835 Obsolete Data Sheet(s) >6V Fixed Gain Amp, High Gain, Minimum Feedback n/a n/a n/a 23 DB 3 DB
Productcurrent sort Life Cyclesort by this column Link to Data Sheet(s)sort by this column Short Descriptionsort by this column Minimum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Maximum Frequency(GHz)sort by this column Power (dBm) @ 1DB(dBm)sort by this column Gain(DB)sort by this column Noise Figure(DB)sort by this column
AMMC-5023 Active Data Sheet(s) 23 GHz Low Noise Amplifier 21.2 GHz 26.5 GHz n/a 23 DB 2.3 DB
AMMC-5024 Active Data Sheet(s) 30 KHz - 40 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
AMMC-5026 Active Data Sheet(s) 2 - 35 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier 2 GHz 35 GHz n/a 10.5 DB 4 DB
AMMC-5033 Active Data Sheet(s) 17.7-32 GHz Power Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
AMMC-5040 Active Data Sheet(s) 20-40 GHz GaAs Amplifier 20 GHz 40 GHz n/a 25 DB n/a
AMMC-5618 Active Data Sheet(s) 6-20 GHz Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.4 DB
AMMC-5620 Active Data Sheet(s) 6-20 GHz High Gain Amplifier n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.2 DB
HMMC-5021 Active Data Sheet(s) 2.0-22.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier 2 GHz 22 GHz n/a 8 DB 8 DB
HMMC-5022 Active Data Sheet(s) 2.0-22.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier 2 GHz 22 GHz n/a 9.5 DB 8 DB
HMMC-5023 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 23 GHz LNA (21.2 - 26.5 GHz) 21.2 GHz 26.5 GHz n/a 24 DB 2.5 DB
HMMC-5025 Active Data Sheet(s) 2-50 GHz Distributed Amplifier 2 GHz 50 GHz n/a 8.5 DB 5 DB
HMMC-5026 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 2-26.5 GHz GaAs MMIC Traveling Wave Amplifier 2 GHz 26.5 GHz n/a 7.5 DB 10 DB
HMMC-5027 Active Data Sheet(s) 2-26.5 Medium Power Amplifier 2 GHz 26.5 GHz n/a 6 DB 11 DB
HMMC-5032 Active Data Sheet(s) 22 dBm, 17.7-32 GHz Amplifier 17.7 GHz 32 GHz n/a 8 DB n/a
HMMC-5033 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 17.7-32 GHz Power Amplifier 17.7 GHz 32 GHz n/a 18 DB n/a
HMMC-5034 Active Data Sheet(s) 37-43 GHz Amplifier 37 GHz 42.5 GHz n/a 8 DB n/a
HMMC-5038 Active Data Sheet(s) 38 GHz LNA 37 GHz 40 GHz n/a 23 DB 4.8 DB
HMMC-5040 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 20-40 GHz Amplifier 20 GHz 40 GHz n/a 22 DB n/a
HMMC-5200 Active Data Sheet(s) DC-20 GHz HBT Series-Shunt Amplifier 0 GHz 20 GHz n/a 9.5 DB 6.5 DB
HMMC-5618 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 6-20 GHz Amplifier 6 GHz 20 GHz n/a 14 DB 5.5 DB
HMMC-5620 Not Recommended for new design Data Sheet(s) 6-20 GHz High-Gain Amplifier 6 GHz 20 GHz n/a 16 DB n/a



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