Products 光发射接收模块、光纤激光器和光放大器、光调制器、光开关 Introduction Products Power Supplies,Spectrum Analyzers,Component Tester,Multimeters etc. Introduction Our PAST During the early years of the television industry there were many manufacturers of television sets, but few manufacturers of electronic test instrumentation to diagnose and repair them. Central Service, of Chicago, IL, one of the largest service centers in the country, began developing their own test equipment to repair sets. Other service organizations became aware of this new test equipment and began ordering from Central Service. From this basic need for quality test equipment, B+K Precision was born. Our PRESENT Since its founding in 1951, B+K Precision Corporation has built a reputation for excellence in the design and manufacture of high-quality, reliable and cost-effective test and measurement products. B+K Precision is the fourth most recognized instrument brand in the United States. The company's products are used in a wide range of applications including design, research and development, production line testing, industrial maintenance, and electronic field service. B+K Precision test and measurement instruments are standard equipment in a large number of universities and technical schools which train future engineers and technicians. Our FUTURE B+K Precision is committed to continue the support of its core business with excellent price/performance test equipment while actively developing new, more sophisticated products to meet the industry's changing demands for test instrumentation. These new products will enable the company to offer a wider range of test products over a broader market segment than ever before. With the growth of B+K Precision's worldwide physical facilities (United States, Taiwan and Romania), and on-going expansion of its product line, the Company is well positioned to enhance its role as one of the leading suppliers of test and measurement instrumentation to the world. Our PRODUCTS ISO 9001:2000 certified, B+K Precision is the only U.S. manufacturer to offer a complete selection of general instrumentation products ranging from its core product lines of AC and DC Power Supplies, Signal Generators and Component/Device Testers and Programmers, to a quality line of hand-held and bench-top Multimeters. Additional products include high performance Spectrum Analyzers, Function and Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Oscilloscopes, EPROM Programmers, Multifunction Counters, Environmental Testers including temperature, humidity, air velocity and sound meters, and a full line of probes, leads, adapters and other accessories. B+K Precision's complete catalog of test instruments, product specifications and technical manuals can be found on its easy-to-use, fully interactive |
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