Standing Waves in a Chain Vertically Hung(垂直链驻波)
where x is the distance from the lower, free end of the chain. The wave velocity is stronglydependent on the location and the chain can be regarded as a typical nonuniform wave medium. The differential equation to describe transverse waves in the chain is given by
(See Note No. 8 for detailed
derivation.) This is not in the form of standard wave
which yields the approximated
propagation velocity given in the first equation.
This can be satisfied by the zero-th order Bessel function
where L is the length of he
chain. At the upper end x = L, the displacement should
and so on. Animation shows
standing wave patterns with those frequencies.Standing waves in
a chain vertically hung (typical nonuniform wave medium). > with(plots):
Second mode. Third mode.
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