The mission of New Infrared Technologies is to put in the market
affordable IR detectors with the aim to facilitate the
development of all kinds of new applications based on IR detection which
were not possible until today.
Our staff has more than 20 years of expertise in the infrared industry.
Some of our members have been awarded with special mentions
for their different researches and developments in the sector.
Our facilities are based in Madrid (Spain), and have the capacity to
produce thousands of FPA per year. Strict quality processes are followed in
order to assure the best products to our clients. We are focused on the
satisfaction of our clients, searching in all moments to exceed their
expectation. The most important to us is to offer our customers the best
service and products.
As a commitment to fulfill your needs and offer you a high quality level
of service, during 2011 we have set up Quality and Environmental Management
Systems according to the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO
14001:2004 standards.
我们将为您提供高端光学元件及应用解决方案。我们的产品应用多种领域, 包括光源, 光电二极管, 雪崩二极管, 激光二极管, CCD和CMOS,
摄像镜头, 光学元件, 电子元件等. 可广泛应用于教学, 科研,
产品开发及规模生产。 我们在专业领域有长足经验,以卓越的生产商和强大的技术支持为后盾, 致力于提供高端国际品质的产品和服务;我们期待与您精诚合作,