Indium Arsenide Short Form Catalog in PDF Format
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J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide
photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.8 µm wavelength range. The equivalent
circuit is a photon-generated current source Iph with parallel
capacitance Cd, shunt resistance Rd, and series resistance Rs (Fig. 1).
The output signal current Is is defined as:
Is = Iph Rd/Rd + Rs + Rload
Rd varies as a function of detector temperature (Fig.
2). Rs depends on the position of the source light spot on the detector
surface; it varies with the distance from the spot to the detector
contact ring . When Rs is small compared to Rd it may be disregarded,
but with room temperature InAs the effects of Rs are significant.
The effect of Rs on the apparent response of an InAs
detector is illustrated below. At 22°C, Rs and Rd may have the same
order of magnitude (~10 ohms). As a result, although incident photons
generate carriers uniformly over the detector area, some of the carriers
generated near the center of the area may be "shunted away" through Rd
and fail to reach the contact ring. This results in a "dip" in response
at the center of the detector's active area (Fig. 3). The effect is less
pronounced in small-area detectors, which have higher Rd and less
surface area. The effect is also reduced or eliminated by cooling the
diode, thereby increasing the detector Rd.

Figure 3
Temperature Effects: Cooling an InAs
photodiode reduces noise and improves detectivity (Fig. 4). Cooling also
increases shunt resistance Rd as described in the previous section,
allowing more of the photocurrent Iph to reach the contact ring. The
result is an increase in the diode response (Fig. 3). For high-power
applications such as pulsed laser detection, cooling is generally not
necessary. For sensitive, low-power applications such as temperature
measurements, the InAs detector should be cooled or at least
temperature-stabilized. Stabilizing the temperature near 22°C room
temperature will not improve performance, but will prevent changes in
detector response due to ambient temperature drift.
- Laser Warning Receivers
- Process Control Monitors
- Temperature Sensors
- Pulsed Laser Monitors
- Infrared Spectroscopy
- Power Meters
Thermoelectric Cooler Operation: Figure 6 shows
typical power requirements for the TE1, TE2 and TE3 coolers. The
built-in thermistor can be used to monitor or control the temperature.
Figure 7 shows typical thermistor resistance vs. temperature values.
Sensitivity, cutoff wavelength and response uniformity are all functions
of temperature. Detector temperature should be optimized for a
particular application.
Detector Shunt
Impedance |
Cooler Module |
Part Number |
< 400 ohms |
490132 |
400 ohms to 50Kohms |
----- |
> 25Kohms |
490141 |
CMAMP assembly includes
heat sink, temperature controller and transimpedance amplifier
for the J12TE packages. |
Operating Circuit
The recommended operating circuit for most
applications is an operational amplifier in a negative-feedback
transimpedance configuration (Fig. 8). The feedback circuit converts the
detector output current to a voltage, while the op-amp maintains the
detector near zero-volt bias for lowest noise. Because RD varies
significantly with temperature, selection of the proper op-amp will
depend on the detector operating temperature as well as the desired
bandwidth. The feedback resistor RF should be at least 10x greater than
RD for best signal-to-noise ratio. Judson has preamplifiers for optimum
performance with each detector type. For high frequency applications,
the detector may be reverse biased and terminated into a low impedance
load (Fig. 9). Maximum reverse bias is 1 volt.
Advantages of InAs
Unlike the photoconductors commonly used in the 1-3.8
µm wavelength region, InAs operates in the photovoltaic mode and does
not require a bias current for operation. This makes InAs the better
choice for DC and low-frequency applications, as it does not exhibit the
low-frequency or "1/f" noise characteristic of the photoconductors PbS,
PbSe, and HgCdTe (Fig. 10). InAs also offers superior pulse response for
applications in monitoring and detecting high-speed pulsed lasers.

Figure 10
The J12 Series Indium Arsenide (InAs) detectors are
photovoltaic infrared photodiodes sensitive in the 1.0 to 3.8 µm
wavelength region. Diode sensitivity, speed of response, impedance and
peak wavelength can be optimized by operation at the proper temperature.
Judson offers a variety of convenient packages for room temperature and
thermoelectrically cooled operation. Linear arrays, X-Y position sensors
and special configurations are also available.
J12 Series Room Temperature InAs Detectors:
These photodiodes operate at ambient temperatures and are excellent for
wide bandwidth (DC to 16MHz) applications such as infrared laser
monitors and fast temperature sensors. The devices are available in 0.25
mm, 1 mm or 2 mm diameter active sizes and are mounted in the 18C, 5AP
or convenient LD2 BNC connector packages. For low frequency applications
(DC to 50KHz) the Model PA-5 transimpedance gain preamplifier is
strongly recommended. The PA-5 has extremely low voltage noise, low
offset voltage and adjustable gain for the best possible match to these
low shunt resistance detectors. For high speed applications, the Model
PA-101 (5Hz to 1MHz) preamplifier can be used. InAs detectors can be
reverse-biased to reduce junction capacitance and improve frequency
Click for more InAs information.
Thermoelectrically Cooled Indium Arsenide
J12TE1 Series 1-Stage Thermoelectrically Cooled InAs:
The J12TE1 Series detectors are high quality temperature stabilized InAs
detectors mounted on a one stage thermoelectric cooler. The TE1 series
was developed for applications such as temperature monitoring, power
meters and infrared spectroscopy where low cost, responsivity, stability
and low noise are important issues.
J12TE2 Series 2-Stage Thermoelectrically Cooled InAs:
The J12TE2 Series detectors are high quality InAs photodiodes mounted
with thermistors on two-stage thermoelectric coolers and hermetically
sealed package. The 8B6 package is standard, with the 66S or HS1
packages available as options. At the standard operating temperature of
-40°C, the J12TE2 Series detectors have a much higher shunt resistance
than room temperature detectors, resulting in higher responsivity, lower
noise and better stability for DC or chopped light applications. See
Figs. 6 and 7 for thermoelectric cooler operating information.
J12TE3 Series 3-Stage Thermoelectrically Cooled InAs:
The J12TE3 Series detectors are high quality InAs photodiodes mounted in
the 66S package which includes a built-in thermistor, three stage
thermoelectric cooler and hermetically sealed package. J12TE3 devices
are ideal for critical military, space or industrial applications
requiring high detectivity, good uniformity of response and wide
J12TE4 Series 4-Stage Thermoelectrically Cooled
InAs: The J12TE4 Series detectors are high quality InAs photodiodes
mounted in the 3CN package which includes a built-in thermistor, four
stage thermoelectric cooler and hermetically sealed package.
Click for more TE Cooled InAs information.
Click model number table

3CN Package |