Preamplifier Short Form Catalog in PDF Format
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This section describes the amplifier circuits
recommended for Judson detectors. The PA-5, PA-6, PA-7 and PA-9 series
preamplifiers are current gain amplifiers recommended for photovoltaic
detectors and applications. Voltage mode preamplifiers, for use with our
photoconductive detectors, include the PA-101, PA-8200 and PA-300 series
preamps. Some general information on our preamplifiers follows:
Noise Sources: Figure 1 shows the various noise
sources of the detector/preamp system. Values for the preamp noise
sources en, in, Vos and ib are listed in the specification tables for
each Judson current-mode preamplifier. The preamp noise sources,
together with the detector characteristics, determine the system noise.
While a complete analysis of detector system noise is beyond the scope
of this guide, the effects of the various noise sources can be
summarized by the following approximation:
Total en(f)
= [(en2/ZD2) + in2
+ (4kT/RD) + (4kT/RF)]1/2 ZF
where k is Boltzmann's constant and T is temperature in degrees Kelvin.
This simplified noise equation
provides a good approximation of the total voltage noise density (V/Hz1/2)
at the preamplifier output. Note that the noise is dependent on the
frequency f, and is normalized to a 1 Hz noise bandwidth. The four
terms in the brackets represent the four main sources of current noise:
• Preamplifier noise voltage en
divided by the detector reactance ZD, where
ZD = RD/(1+
(2pf)2 CD2 RD2)1/2
• Preamplifier current noise in
• Johnson thermal current noise
from the detector shunt resistance RD
• Johnson thermal current noise
from the preamp feedback resistance RF
The total current noise is then
multiplied by the transimpedance gain ZF, where
ZF = RF/(1+
(2pf)2 CF2 RF2)1/2
Analysis of the simplified noise
equation shows the following:
• In situations where ZD
is large (>10Kohm) the preamplifier current noise in is more
important than the voltage noise en. This is generally the
case when using high-impedance detectors (InSb, cooled Ge, small-area
Ge) at moderate frequencies. Choose a preamp with low in.
• In situations where ZD
is small (<1Kohm), the preamp voltage noise en becomes more
important. This is generally true with low-impedance detectors (InAs,
large-area Ge). Choose a preamp with low en.
• Larger RF adds less
current noise. For highest sensitivity, RF should be greater
than RD when practical.
Preamp Noise Figure: A general
method for evaluating noise performance of a preamplifier is the noise
figure, NF, which indicates what portion of the system noise
is caused by the preamp.
NF = 10 log10
[Total Noise / Detector Noise]
A perfect preamplifier has a
Noise Factor of 0 dB, indicating that the preamp noise contribution is
negligible compared to the detector noise. A NF of 0.1 to 3
dB is considered satisfactory. Preamps with NF >3 dB add
significant noise to the system. See Fig. 6 for noise figures of Judson
transimpedance preamplifiers at 1 KHz.
DC Applications - Offset
Drifting: In DC applications, the preamp input bias current Ib
and input offset voltage Vos become important. In an ideal
op-amp, Ib and Vos are zero. In reality they have
non-zero values. Together with the detector RD they produce a
"dark current" ID:
ID = Ib
+ (Vos/RD)
The DC offset voltage at the
preamp output is equal to ID x RF. Ib
and RD each have a non-linear dependence on temperature. The
offset voltage at the preamplifier output will therefore drift with
temperature changes. To minimize offsets and drifting:
For high-impedance detectors,
choose a preamp with low Ib. For low-impedance detectors, choose a
preamp with low Vos. Consider stabilizing the detector
temperature by using one of Judson's integral TE-cooler packages. The
transimpedance (or current-mode) preamplifier circuit of Fig. 1 is
recommended for most PV detector applications, for frequencies up to 1
MHz. It offers lowest noise and best linearity under a wide range of
conditions. The characteristics of the op-amp circuit maintain the
diode near 0V bias. All the photocurrent from the detector essentially
flows through the feedback resistor RF. The feedback capacitance CF is
added to control gain peaking (Fig. 2). The value of CF depends on the
detector capacitance. It is installed at the factory to provide stable
preamplifier performance with a particular detector model. The values
of RF and CF, together with the detector characteristics RD and CD,
determine the overall frequency response of the system (Figs. 3, 4, 7,
PA-9 Preamplifier
The PA-9 preamplifier is ideal for
high-frequency performance with high-impedance photovoltaics such as
cryogenically cooled InSb and Ge. The PA-9 offers low current noise and
ultra-low voltage noise. However, its relatively high DC offset voltage
makes it less suitable for DC applications than other Judson preamps.
The PA-9 has fixed gain. When ordered with a detector, the preamp is
matched to the detector for maximum gain and sensitivity. Alternatively,
the customer may specify gain or minimum required bandwidth. Bandwidth
is a function of detector resistance and capacitance as well as preamp
gain (Figs. 3 and 4).
Click here to view table
Click for more PA-9 information.
PA-5, PA-6, PA-7
Current Mode
Preamplifiers convert the current output of a photovoltaic Ge,
InAs, or InSb detector into a voltage output. They amplify the signal
for subsequent use with oscilloscopes, lock-in amplifiers, or A-to-D
converters. Three different preamp models each offer specific
advantages, depending on detector type and bandwidth requirements. A
comparison of preamp noise figure as a function of detector reactance is
graphed in Fig. 6. All units (except multi-channel models) have
switch-selectable gain.
The PA-7 is an
excellent general purpose preamplifier for most high shunt resistance (RD
> 25Kohm) detectors, including small area J16 Series Ge and all J16TE2
Series cooled Ge. It has extremely low current noise and current
offset. For most applications, the PA-7-70 with high gain of 107
V/A offers best performance and versatility. However, for applications
where 107 V/A gain is unusable (due to bandwidth or DC
saturation), the PA-7-60 or PA-7-50 are suitable alternatives.
The PA-6 is a
general purpose preamplifier recommended for intermediate shunt
resistance (400ohm<RD<50Kohm) detectors, including large area
J16 Series room temperature Ge. The PA-6 has very low voltage noise and
offset voltage, which significantly reduces low-frequency noise and DC
drift. Standard gain settings are listed in the specification table
below; custom gain settings are available.
The PA-5 is
recommended for low impedance detectors (RD<400ohm),
including J12 Series room temperature InAs and J12TE2 Series InAs. It
has extremely low voltage noise and low voltage offset. However, its
high current noise and current offset make it unsuitable for detectors
with high impedance. Standard gain is 105, 104,
and 103 V/A (switch-selectable). Custom gain settings are

Figure 5
Click here to view table
Click for more information on the PA-5, PA-6 and PA-7.
PA-7:4C, PA-7:16C and PA-7:32C
Multi-Channel Preamplifiers
The PA-7:4C, PA-7:16C and PA-7:32C Series
multi-channel preamplifiers are designed primarily for use with Judson's
NIR Array Series and X-Y Sensors. The preamp gain is fixed as specified
at the time of purchase. Standard gain settings are 107 or 106 V/A;
others are available on a custom basis. While zero-volt bias is
recommended for J16P Series arrays in most applications, the preamp is
also available with an optional detector bias adjust. Biasing the
photodiodes improves response time and high-power linearity, but also
increases dark current.

Figure 10
Click here to view table
Voltage Mode

Voltage Mode Preamplifiers may be used with
photoconductive HgCdTe or with low-impedance photovoltaics such as InAs.
With photoconductive detectors, a constant bias current or constant bias
voltage is applied across the detector element. The element changes
resistance in response to incident photons, and the resulting change in
voltage is amplified by the preamp. A blocking capacitor or DC offset
circuit is required to block the constant DC bias. With photovoltaic
detectors, the photocurrent generated in the detector induces a voltage
across the preamp input impedance. This voltage is amplified. A lower
input impedance generally results in faster frequency response, but also
adds more noise to the system.
PA-101 HgCdTe Preamplifier (5 Hz - 1 MHz):
The Model PA-101 low-noise voltage preamplifier is recommended for all
J15 Series HgCdTe detectors. An external bias resistor is used to set
the constant bias current required for PC detector operation. When
purchased with a detector, the preamp includes a bias resistor
factory-selected for optimum detector performance. When ordering the
preamp separately, please specify detector resistance and required bias
current. The Model PA-101 may also be used without bias for J12 Series
Click for more PA-101 information.
PA-8200 PbS and PbSe Preamplifier:
The Model PA-8200 low-noise voltage preamplifier is recommended for all
J13 and J14 Series detectors. A load resistor is selected to match the
detector resistance. Preamp gain and typical bandwidth specifications
are listed in the table opposite. For best results, choose the preamp
model with the narrowest suitable bandwidth to keep preamp noise to a
Click for more PA-8200 information.
PA-300 HgCdTe Preamplifier (DC -
1.0 MHz): The Model PA-300 current preamplifier is designed for
operation with J15D Series HgCdTe detectors. The PA-300 is designed
using a bridge circuit on the front end of an operational amplifier to
deliver constant bias voltage across the detector. The PA-300 is
recommended for detectors used over a wide dynamic range in applications
including FTIR's and laser monitoring. The PA-300 also has a first order
linearity correction in the form of a positive feedback resistor.
Click for more PA-300 information.
Click here to view table
Preamplifier Equivalent Circuits shown
