Now Offers Velocium Products
Products Cover DC to 86 GHz
Hittite Microwave is
pleased to announce our acquisition of the Velocium
Products advanced GaAs MMIC product line. Velocium
Products is a leader in the design and fabrication of
high speed MMICs for established and emerging microwave
and millimeterwave markets. The acquisition expands
Hittite’s product offering for automotive radar, long &
short haul communications, fiber optics, test equipment,
radar imaging, space and military applications. The
tables below summarize the high performance Amplifiers,
Mixers, Multipliers, Attenuators and Switches now
offered and supported through Hittite as in-stock
commercial products. Released data sheets are now
available, Hittite also offers electrical and
environmental screening on these products. Please
contact us for Velocium products not shown in these
tables below.
We welcome past and
current Velocium customers to Hittite, and look
forward to providing you with strong customer
service and technical support.
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商运达智能工控公共安全网:http://www.pc-ps.net/ 商运达电子元器件网:http://www.sunstare.com/
商运达军工产品网:hrrp://www.Junpinic.com/ 商运达单片机专用电路网://www.icasic.com/
商运达实业科技产品网://www.sunstars.cn/ 射频微波光电元器件销售热线:
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