





















Soft and Hard Cores

In addition to its fabless semiconductor business model, Xemics delivers Softcore and Hardcore versions of some ultra low-power Intellectual Property (IP) Products. This includes CoolRISC®, our low power 8-bit RISC core and Massana's FILU50™ 16-bit DSP core. CoolRISC and FILU50 also come combined in our "CoolRISC/FILU50™ product.

CoolRISC® Core

CoolRISC 8-bit RISC cores have been designed for ultra low-power applications. They come with a powerful instruction set, multiple addressing mode and a fully featured development environment. CoolRISC cores are silicon-proven, from 0.5um down to 0.25um CMOS (0.18um soon).

Key Features
  • Embedded cores for low-power and battery operated portable applications
  • 8-bit family
  • High-performance in MIPS/Watt
  • RISC-like pipelined Harvard architecture
  • Embedded 8 * 8 hardware multiplier
  • Exactly 1 clock cycle per instruction
  • 3-stage pipeline
  • Extended addressing mode
  • Soft cores available in synthesizable Verilog or VHDL
  • Hard cores available in various processes
  • GNU Tools for CoolRISC
    • C Compiler
    • Assembler
    • Source-level Debugger
    • Linker
    • Librarian
    • Binary Utilities
  • CoolRIDE™ Integrated design environment
    • Colorised Editors
    • Project and Settings Management
    • Graphical Debugging interface
    • Downloadable Code Generation
    • On-line Help and Documentation
Visit our CoolRISC Website.

CoolRISC/FILU50™ Core

CoolRISC/FILU50 is an 8-bit microcontroller with an integrated 16-bit fixed point DSP co-processor core. Xemics and Massana have teamed up to develop and deliver this low power, high performance microcontroller + DSP architecture. This core is available synthesized in Verilog format to ease integration with custom logic on the same silicon. CoolRISC/FILU50 is targeted at ultra low power, low voltage applications such as communication systems, medical and digital hearing aid instruments as well as sensor interface and data processing.

Key Features
  • High performance 8-bit microcontroller + DSP extension
  • The DSP core has a 16-bit architecture with a 40-bit accumulator
  • DSP development and implementation in C
  • Scan testable with high test coverage
  • Complete development environment
More info:
Download product information (.pdf)

FILU50™ Core

The FILU50™ is an ultra-small 16-bit DSP coprocessor core. At 7000 gates it is much less than ¼ the size of standard DSP cores. Tailored for medium complexity numerical operations, it is optimized for minimum area, bridging the gap between microcontrollers and DSPs. A single memory architecture yields the lowest system cost.

The FILU is capable of implementing various DSP functions which are microcoded and are invoked by a host processor (MCU or RISC) via a shared RAM. The Host has Master control of the RAM via control / status bits. The microcoded kernel includes FIR and IIR filters, FFT, correlation, matrix multiply and Taylor series. Extra DSP functions can be microcoded to suit particular applications. The basic set of microcoded functions are hardwired but RAM based functions can extend the functionality after production.

More info:
Download product information (.pdf, 329K)
Download the programer's model (.pdf, 349K)

Last Update: 29th March, 2000

Copyright ©1998-2000 XEMICS All Rights Reserved.










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