As a fabless semiconductor company, XEMICS sells low-power mixed-signal and Radio Frequency (RF) integrated circuits as well as IP products.
As direct house accounts or through selected representatives we serve our worldwide customer base. As a 'One Stop Shop', XEMICS have secured privileged business relationships with some leading foundry partners for its supply of wafers using the most advanced processes. We also manage the complete process of delivering our ICs on time under one roof.
XEMICS' design expertise includes ultra low-power, down to the microwatt range, low-voltage, starting as low as 0.9 V, radio-frequency, from a few tens of kHz to 2.4 GHz. We have an extensive internal analog IP library, as well as CooLib low-power low-voltage digital library. The cores we support are our proprietary CoolRISC® 8-bit, as well as low power versions of the 32-bit ARC®, the Massana's FILU-50 and the DSP TeakLite® cores. Should the design require embedded MTP/Flash, EEPROM or optical sensor elements on chip, XEMICS has the solution. XEMICS has secured access to the most advanced IC processes, down to 0.18 um for pure CMOS, and 0.35 um/27 GHz BICMOS.
Last Updated: March 29, 2000 |
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