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24V Line Amplifiers
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Part # Application Gain* (dB) Min Gain* (dB) Max Noise Figure (dB) Typ CTB** (dBc) Typ CSO** (dBc) Typ XMOD** (dBc) Typ Supply Current (mA) Typ Notes:
ACA2402 750/870 MHz CATV Push-Pull Line Amplifier 21.3 22.3 3.5 -71 -70 -63 250
* at 870 MHz
** specified for 110 channel flat output (+40 dBmV per channel for ACA2402)
ACA2404 CATV Line Amplifiers, System Amplifiers, Distribution Nodes 20.8 22.1 4.0 -67 -64 -60 500
* at 870 MHz
** specified for 110 channel flat output (+52 dBmV per channel)
ACA2407 750/870 MHz CATV Power Doubler Line Amplifier 20.8 22.1 4.0 -71 -66 -66 425
* at 870 MHz
** specified for 110 channel flat output (+52 dBmV per channel)