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Large Area InGaAs Photodiodes
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Part # Application Operating Voltage Max Dark Current -0.3V Typ Responsivity 1300nm A/W Typ Responsivity 1550nm ns Typ Rise/Fall Typ Dynamic Impedance Class A Typ Dynamic Impedance Class B Typ
35PD1M-TO Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode 2 1 - 1 15 - -
35PD2M-TO Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode - - - 1 11/60 (Typ) - -
35PD3M-TO Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode - - - 1 175 (Typ) - -
35PD5M-TO Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode - 0.1 0.9 1.0 1.2 100 10
35PD10M Ultra-Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode - - - 1 1 (µs Typ) - -
35PD500-S Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode -10 - 0.8 1 3 - -
35PD500-TO Large Area InGaAs p-i-n Photodiode -10 - 0.8 1 3 - -