SP7T RF UltraCMOS™ Switch
Featuring HaRP™ technology enchancements

The PE42671 is a highly integrated high-isolation Switch designed for GSM/PCS/EDGE/WCDMA handset applications, covering a broad frequency range from 100 MHz to 3 GHz. The switch is comprised of two transmit ports that can be used for GSM/PCS/EDGE, two transmit/receive ports (TRX1 and TRX2) that can be used for either WCDMA or as receive ports, and three symmetric receive ports. On-chip CMOS decode logic facilitates three-pin low voltage CMOS control, while high ESD tolerance of 1500 V at all ports, no blocking capacitor requirements, and on-chip SAW filter over-voltage protection devices make this the ultimate in integration and ruggedness. It is offered in DIE form.

Peregrine’s HaRP™ technology enhancements deliver high linearity and exceptional harmonics performance. It is an innovative feature of the UltraCMOS™ process, providing performance superior to GaAs with the economy and integration of conventional CMOS. For more information on this part, please contact Peregrine Semiconductor directly at


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