
Information as of 2000-01-10
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TJA1053; Fault-tolerant CAN transceiver
Description |  |
The TJA1053 is the interface between the CAN protocol
controller and the physical bus. It is primarily intended for
low-speed applications, up to 125 kbaud, in passenger
cars. The device provides differential transmit capability
but will switch in error conditions to a single-wire
transmitter and/or receiver. The TJA1053 is derived from
the PCA82C252.
- It is better equipped for networks with more than
15 nodes
- A timer has been integrated at the TXD input to
prevent a permanent dominant state
- Reduced supply current in VCC standby mode
- CANH output driver is disabled in the event that CANH
is short-circuited to battery failure mode.
Features |  |
Optimized for in-car low-speed communication
- Baud rate up to 125 kbaud
- Up to 32 nodes can be connected
- Supports unshielded bus wires
- Low RFI due to built-in slope control function
- Fully integrated receiver filters
- Permanent dominant monitoring of TXD.
Bus failure management
- Supports one-wire transmission modes with ground
offset voltages up to 1.5 V
- Automatic switching to single-wire mode in the event of
bus failure
- Automatic reset to differential mode if bus failure is
- Short-circuit proof to battery and ground in 12 V
powered systems
- Thermally protected
- Bus lines protected against transients in an automotive
- An unpowered node does not disturb the bus lines.
Support for low-power modes
- Low current sleep/standby mode with wake-up via the
bus lines
- Power-on reset flag on the output.
Datasheet |  |
Blockdiagram |  |

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